Chapter 25 - Everything Will Go Dark

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The first ANBU steps inside the cell and I snap my fingers causing him to turn to dust, the other ANBU spring into action and run at me head on. I laugh raise my hand at them with my palm facing them and I close it into a fist causing them to also turn to dust.

I laugh and step out of the cell walking over to a shocked Tsunade standing in the same place and staring at the dust circling the room.

"H-How is that even possible?!" She asks and I smile evily at her.

"My powers of telekenesis are much more powerful then you could believe." I whisper in her ear and I walk out of the room and down the long dark hallway and a set of stairs at the end.

I climb the stairs and smile as I enter a room full of working shinobi and they all stop and stare with wide open mouths at me and I smile.

"I hope you said your prayers, I am going to kill you all then I am going to kill your families." I say and I laugh psychotically to myself.

I feel the amazing power coursing through my body and I smile wider at the feeling of complete control.

Humans are insects compared to me.

 The first Shinobi runs at me and I laugh and raise my hand at him. I squeeze my hand into a fist and smile wickedly as he turns to dust and the other shinobi stare at me in shock.

"What are you waiting for? Isn't your job to defend your pathetic village? Are you scared?!" I shout and I laugh as they stay unmoving. But my body grows cold and I involuntarily shiver as he walks through the door.

"What is going on here?!" He shouts and he gives me a sad but cold look as he pulls out a kunai and his sharingan eye activates.

"Don't go near her Kakashi! She turned Hiroshi to dust!" A male shinobi shouts and I smile cruelly at him.

"But you don't possess the kind of power to-"

"Oh really? Why don't you ask your trembling Hokage down stairs just what I am capable of!" I shout and giggle as his eyes narrow.

"Mala what the hell has happened to you?" He asks and I smile evilly at him.

"There is no Mala." I growl and spread my arms out so my body is like a cross and I squeeze both of my hands shut causing every single person and item in the room to turn to dust other then Kakashi.

He drops his kunai in shock and he collapses onto his knees staring at me with shock and horror.

"Y-You just killed them all... You barely lifted a finger." He says and I walk over to him slowly enjoying the fear coming from him.

"Don't worry Kakashi, where I am sending you is so much better then this disgusting cruel world. That is the one thing I envy about you humans. You don't have to spend all eternity in this hell hole." I growl the last part and I finally reach him and look down at him with a smile.

"Mala please stop this." He says and I see his eyes fill with tears causing me to giggle with delight.

"I already told you Kakashi... There is no Mala, there never was." I say enjoying watching him be destroyed.

"So this whole time you were just pretending." He says coldly and I laugh.

"This is the first time I have ever met you Kakashi, and I must say I am not impressed." I say and he stares at me looking confused.

"Tsunade will explain everything before you all die. Now if you willl excuse me I have a destruction to be at." I say pretending to look at a watch on my wrist and I grab his face in my hand and pull him to his feet.

"The only way to destroy her is to destroy you and this village. Everyone deserves the chance to be free." I say coldly and instead of shrinking from my gaze he stares back at me defiantly.

"I will fight you until my last breath before I let you destroy this village." He spits out and I laugh and walk toward the door knowing he won't touch me in here.

I reach the door and I let out a scream as a terrible ripping pain goes through my spine.

"NO! NO! NO! Impossible!" I scream as I feel my bones rebrake and the world go black once again.


I open my eyes and squint at the brightness but I feel a warmth spread over me and I smile from the feeling of the sun.

"Where am I?" I ask and my sight begins to come back to me and I freeze as I realize I am being held by my favourite white haired shinobi.

"K-Kakashi what are you doing?" I ask and he stares down at me with tears streaming down his cheeks and I notice he is covered in dust.

"What happened?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I know about her Mala, I know about Chi Tora... She murdered all those Shinobi by only raising her arms. She turned them into dust." He says and I stop breathing as I stare into his eyes.

"Kakashi... I love you." I say and he grabs me and holds me so tightly that I can barely breathe. But I love every second of it and I feel the tears begin to come from my eyes and hit his shoulder.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to move in together, I want to have a family, I want to grow old with you." I sob into his chest and he continues to hold me.

"I just want to love you so much." I say the words so strongly as they come from the very deepest part of my heart and soul.

"Without you I am nothing." He whispers and I pull back and stare into his heartbroken eyes.

"Kakashi!" Tsunade shouts and we both turn to see her and at least two hundred ANBU behind her... That must be all the ANBU in the village...

"The only way we can take her down is while she is in this form." Tsunade says harshly and Kakashi and I stand up.

I go to walk toward her but he quickly steps in front of me with his arms out protectivly.

"There must be another way!" He shouts desperately and I feel my body rack with more sobs and I grab his arm and put it down.

"Mala please don't do this." He sobs and I give him a weak smile and walk in front of him.

"I love you Kakashi... I love you more then anything this world could ever give me. I won't let anything happen to you, Chi Tora will kill you and I would live for all eternity hating myself... I would become an empty shell." I say softly and I caress his cheek as he continues to sob and stare at me.

I pull down his mask and I lean in and slam my lips against his one last time with all the love I have. my insides explode as his soft lips dance against mine and I swear I could feel time stop for our love.

I pull back and he shakes his head and grabs my wrist.

"Kakashi I-"

I scream as I feel a kunai enter my back and pierce me in the heart. 

"NO!" Kakashi screams as my eyesight goes blurry and I begin to fall but I am caught by strong arms.

I feel my spine begin to crack and I let out a gasp of pain and with all my strength I open my mouth.

"RUN!" I scream and everything goes dark as she takes over.

Everything else will now go dark as she destroys them...

Alright so we are really getting into the intense parts of the story I know and it isn't really going along with the Naruto story line anymore but meh whatevs.

I have decided that there is probably five more chapters after this, I have figured out the ending and I am satisfied with it but I am not sure if you guys will be.

I don't know I guess since I am the author I can see things more clearly from Blood Tiger's point of view, I mean I kind of feel sympathy toward her because she was destined to be cruel and evil. But then again she is trying to kill KakaBaka >:C

So let me know what you thought of the chapter ^.^ Comment vote ya know the drill <3

Blood Tiger (Kakashi Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ