"No!" Felix interrupts, his voice as loud as he can make it without shouting.

"Rosier!" storms Juniper, not bothering to keep her voice low. Her outstretched hands clench into frustrated fists, nails digging in to her palms.

"Windsong!" Felix practically shoves his notes from his lap and walks around the couch toward her, drawing in a breath to begin the speech he's been rehearsing for the last hour.

"This," he gestures with a hand to the entrance wall to indicate her attempted escape, " -is not happening this year. How you've managed to stay in school and learn anything the last two years is beyond me, when you're constantly sneaking about looking for trouble-"

"Looking for my brother!" Juniper interjects. Felix ignores her.

"-putting yourself and others in danger-"

"Oh for goodness sake, everyone was fine!"

He raises his voice over her protestations, " -and jeopardizing Slytherin's reputation and points!"

"I earned more points than anyone last year!"

Technically true, but Felix acts as though he has not heard her. "But this year is going to be different. You're going to stay put." He enunciates each word. "You are going to focus on your school work. You are not going looking for any more vaults- "

"This isn't about the vaults! I swear! " interrupts Juniper again, a hint of desperation in her tone.

Felix stares at her from the higher vantage point of their height disparity. He's not particularly tall but she's small for her age. Juniper stares right back, face set in that look of grim determination he's grown familiar with. Blue eyes meet brown without blinking or retreating. It never ceases to unnerve him.

It used to make Felix furious. He assumed it meant she didn't respect him. He had never in his life stared down an authority figure that way; he couldn't even imagine doing so. It was only after he'd known her for some time, watched her turn that face on other students, professors (Merlin's beard, even Snape!), that he realized it wasn't an insult or a sign of disrespect. It was just who she was: quietly determined not to be cowed when she believed she was in the right.

Felix's resolve gives one millimetre. "What is it then? Where are you going?"

Juniper considers. "If I tell you will you let me go?"

"No," he scoffs, "but I'll hear you out as long as it's not a lie."

Juniper shifts her weight a little, scrutinizing her prefect. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell a professor. Or anyone."

Felix raises an eyebrow. "You're not in a position to make deals."

"Then I can't tell you." she fires.

"Then I can't let you go." he rebuts.

Juniper worries her lip with her teeth. Her eyes are full of secret emotions Felix can't identify, but he can see an internal war is being waged.

"Look, I found a dr– creature in the forest." Felix does not miss her stumble. "It's hurt and I'm caring for it. It can't get food on its own. I have to –"

"What kind of creature?" he interrupts.

Juniper winces. "It's...a... dragon." She pushes the words out of her mouth one at a time as though they're reluctant to leave, but once the initial admission is free the rest follows swiftly.

"But it's not dangerous! I mean, it is dangerous, of course, but it's hurt! It can't fly, something happened to its wing. And it's small! It's just a baby, really, and it can't hunt for itself so I have to bring it food or it'll starve! And it's in the forest. I've never brought it into the castle and I'm not keeping it as a pet or anything. I'm just trying to help it so it can fly away, I promise!"

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