Chapter 1: This Love

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Danny woke up the next day and wondered why she was still thinking of the boy. Sam seemed sweet and how the brightest things during that day were his blue eyes and his smile filled her with a feeling in her stomach made the rest of her feel scared. She went to school that day on her bike, letting the wind blow her almost-shoulder-length hair flow behind her. When she makes it to school she sees students in her grade circle and crowd around what seems to be one person. She slowly walked at an angle so she could see what was going on better. When she saw, she nearly fell. It was Sam... he was probably the new student who moved in a couple days ago to the neighborhood.
She quickly went into her classroom hoping he wasn't in her homeroom because she wouldn't be allowed to think straight if he was. She peeked out the window and saw him walk into the classroom across from hers... thank goodness. Her best friend, Lance, then walked in and told her if she's met the new guy.
"I did yesterday..." She mumbled under her breath.
"You what?!" Lace stuttered, " H-How could you?! He wasn't even here!"
"I don't feel comfortable talking about this." Danny replied and sat back down in her seat. Lance was tall, athletic, and her friend since 5th grade, they were in 9th now, almost Christmas. Lance was a lot handsomer than he was when they first met, but in 7th they swore never to date, and that was good, because Danny wasn't interested. He ran his fingers through his dark-brown, short-ish, hair while he concentrated on what he was about to say.
"The dance is in a couple weeks... and it seems you look interested in the new guy."
Danny gave him a small shove and a pinch and told him, " I. Don't. Like. Him!!" And buried her face in her sweater.
"Sure.... wait until the Christmas dance comes, you two will be getting it on under the mistletoe!"
Danny could feel her face get redder and more embarrassed by her friend's comment.

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