How it all started

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It was a regular Saturday of watching Netflix,checking instagram and twitter like any other day. "Leaira come here"my mom yelled. I groaned and walked down stairs. "Yes mother" I said in a sarcastic voice. She said that she had a job offer in North Carolina and she took it. I couldn't say anything because well I was shocked. We will leave in 5 days she said. I ran up stairs to call all my friends and tell them the news. They thought I was lying so I gave my phone to my mom so they can hear for themselves. "Mom are we driving or flying?"I asked. She said we would fly and stay with our cousin's until our stuff arrived and she had already bought a house in a good neighborhood and already has a school for me. I started to pack but left out a couple of pairs of clothes for the 5 days and the days we would wait for our stuff to arrive. Everything else went into boxes and bages.

~Authors Note~
Hey guys and girls this is kinda my first fanfic. So if it's not good I apologize for my horrible writing. But,if you like it then that's great and all of my hours of reading fanfics has paid off if you would like to read different fanfics like 1D,Magcon,5sos,O2L,and much more. Ohh and I almost forgot you can also take quizzes. The website is WWW.QOUTEV.COM. Go check it out.

A touch of grier( Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now