Fifteen Months

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"Fine... think of it like a fifteen-minute study hall." He looked towards everyone with a narrowing gaze. "And don't fucking mess around... I'll kill anyone who does."

The class gulped, still not entirely sure if his threats were real or not. And thus, knew to keep the noise down and be polite for the scary pro-hero among them. Bakugou watched as a few of the girls came towards Katsuko, kneeling of sitting beside her as she laid on her stomach and colored.

She was dressed in a cute little polka dot pink and red dress, a red ribbon in her hair keeping her ever-growing ash-blonde locks out of her face. A small bandaid on her elbow from where she had bumped it and in her fifteen-month-old logic... a band-aid magically fixed the fictional ouchie on her arm.

"She looks a lot like you, Ground Zero... but Katsuko-chan has sensei's type of hair." Juba spoke, Bakugou looking.

He wasn't sure how he didn't notice it before, but it was true. His baby girl did have the ash blonde color he was famous for, but her hair wasn't the puffy bomb-like structure he had.

"Tell your teacher that when she comes back then." Bakugou smirked. "The mind reader keeps thinking Ko doesn't look like her at all."

"Ground Zero... sensei isn't a mind reader. She's an esper." Kasumi corrected him, a few of the other girls nodding along.

"She's convinced you al that too huh?" Bakugou grumbled, still refusing to believe you didn't have mind-reading powers.

"Can I color with you Katsuko-chan?" Kameko asked, reaching for a crayon.

Katsuko immediately grabbed it, and then held all her crayons close. "Mine!"

The girls looked taken aback by this, seeing as they were all eager to play with the baby nearing the toddler age. Bakugou narrowed his eyes though, leaning down and looking at Katsuko.

"Ko... share or we don't get to color."

The little girl threw the crayons down, banging her hands and legs against the floor of your classroom. The girls all looking panicked. Even the boys who had been observing from afar now looking worried.

Bakugou was the only one who remained calm. Not batting an eye as his daughter went through her tantrum before him. No one said anything, and slowly Katsuko's rage stopped. She looked up at her father through teary eyes, seeing as he was not giving her any sort of attention.

And her father not interacting with her... was something she didn't want.

"Dada...?" She sniffled, seeing her father look down at her finally. "I share..."

Katsuko handed Juba, Kameko, Kasumi, and Hotaru each a crayon and spread her paper out. Then looked back towards her father, eyes pleading he tell her she was good and did this right.

"Good sharing, Katsuko." He nodded at her.

Katsuko's eyes lit up happily and she immediately began to happily sing as she colored. The words were make-believe, but the girls who know were coloring with her didn't mind. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief. Turns out those parenting books were right... not engaging and letting the kid get no attention worked wonders in stopping a tantrum.

"You have a lot of patience for her... think Kameko and I could have some of that next time we mess up at the agency?" Onishi asked, Sadow next to him laughing.

"Don't fucking break a desk and I'll consider it." Bakugou clicked his tongue, turning to see you entering the room finally.

As Sadow asked Onishi how he and Kameko managed to break a desk, you saw what had become of your classroom. You looked towards your husband, rolling your eyes.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz