the last dark night

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  • Dedicated to my brother who is very men

i woke up the next night  because of my curse that the forest   gave me it had gotten worse i was crying for no reson almost all the time. my dreams got scairer and scairer . i prayed to  the lord my brother would come back but i didnt get an answer.

 i  scrued up and had too rewrite my story sry

chapter 2   the catacome   (an under ground tunnel with dead people in holes that arnt coverd)

i went on with a scarier feeling. as i was walking  sherber who was 3 years old now. said hole in the ground ! i fell i swair it took three minits to slide all the way down  to this strange whole that had dead bodies every were  i walked on with a torch  that was about to go out any minit now . i was moving quickly hoping to finde the end of this crazzy shit whole . i just wonted to havea history not die tryin to acheve them . my teacher mrs. montgumry said i can do anything i wanted to as long as i cept that achivmment in my heart and this was just a wont not a achevement to die in i sont want to die i yele  SHIT i hard foot steps behinde me and started running i wanted to comit to my own death

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2012 ⏰

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