Holding out for a hero

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A/n: do I love this song? Yes. Am I writing something based off it? Also yes.

Hc: all your life you'd dreamed of your perfect man, holding out for the day you'd meet. Little did you knew he'd show up at the perfect time.

Tall, dark hair, strong but silent. That was the one you wanted. None of this slicked back hair in a SnapBack, none of the bad boys, just someone who couldn't protect you, but was gentle, mysterious and oddly charming. You'd stay awake, tossing and turning, dreaming of what you needed. You just wanted to know where all the good men had gone? Where were all the fallen angels that graced the earth?

No matter how long it took, you held out for the perfect guy for you. Just waiting, and waiting...

"I told you, I'm not having you set me up with people! I know what I want and I'll wait for him" you said.

"Come on (y/n) he's super nice! You'll love him!" Your friend pleaded.

"No, he's got none of the same interest as me and he looked like a drowned rat! I don't want someone's sloppy seconds!"

"If you don't shop around you'll end up dying alone"

"I am shopping around! Just in specific shops that happen to be out of stock at the moment"

You took the last sip of your tea, placing the mug on the saucer and pushing it slightly further into the table. It was starting to get dark, you knew you'd have to get home soon.

"You're hopeless (y/n)" (f/n) said.

"I just know what I want" you replied.

"Yeah, the type of guy you'd only find in an anime! Tall, dark, mysterious yet gentle and protective. Soft but strong. It'll be impossible"

"I just have to wait. You'll see. It's getting late I gotta head home. My puppy won't feed himself"

You both stood up from your seats at the table. Getting ready to leave the cafe and part ways to head home.

"It was good seeing you again. If I wasn't so busy with wedding planning I'd hang more often" (f/n) sighed.

"Well when you're hitched you'll have more free time. It was great catching up though" you replied.

With a quick hug, you and your bestie parted ways. Waving goodbye and walking down opposite paths to head back to your houses. It was getting quite dark now and you had a little ways to go so you couldn't make any pit-stops. Your conversations with your friends usually ended on you needing a boyfriend. They'd offer to set you up with a friend but you always declined. You were set on your ideal guy and you were just holding out for the day. Turning the corner you watched the street lights turn on, lighting up the pathways in the town and giving you a clear pathway home. You couldn't wait to get home, take a shower and sleep, your puppy by your side.

But before you could even think about that, something stopped you.

"Hey little lady"

You turned to see a man and his friend behind you, about 4 meters away.

"Yeah...?" You questioned.

They looked like thugs. The getup and the body language told you they were trouble, but in fear of them chasing you, you stayed out. Almost frozen in fear.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone, care to join us?"

"N-no I have to feed my dog..." you stammered.

"Aw come on, I'm sure it can wait-"

You to a step back as they approached you. Now your adrenaline was pumping, but you were too scared to flee.

"Please, I have to get home-"

"Whatdaya say? She's a good one huh?" One man said.

"Top tier" the other replied.

Before you could open your mouth to say something you suddenly felt a presence behind you and heard another voice.

"There you are! Come on we'll be late. We gotta get going"

You turned to see a tall boy, standing behind you and eyeing down the the men. The second your eyes landed on him, it was like time stopped. The person you'd been holding out for this whole time, dark hair, pale, soft looking but clearly protective. He didn't look too strong but his angry gaze said otherwise. And he couldn't have come at a better time.

"The dog isn't going to feed itself, and I'm sure the uh- movie won't wait for us" he said.

You caught on to what he was doing. Pretend he knew you so there'd be no fighting. He must have been nearby and saw what was going on.

"Of course, lets go" you replied.

The two men scoffed, mumbling something about 'she could do better' as the boy whisked you away and you both turned the corner and got away as fast as possible.

"Thank god, you saved my damn life" you sighed.

"Don't worry about it. Those guys are creeps. Suspected drug dealers" the boy replied.


"Yeah, the cops have been watching them for a while... I was across the street and heard what was happening. You ok?"

"Yeah, just freaked me the hell out. They didn't touch me or anything but I'm sure if you didn't step in they would have"

You stopped outside a busy restaurant, where if something else were to happen people would see.

"You should be walking around this late, why are you?" He asked.

"I was with a friend, our early dinner went later than expected. I thought I'd be home by now" you explained.

"Well you cant be walking around this late... I could drive you home? And I can prove I'm not any trouble or anything. I work in law enforcement after all"

What luck. Not only was this person your dream guy, he saved you from potential danger AND he was a cop.

"That's be great thanks, but what's your name?" You asked.

"Ryuzaki, and you?"

"(Y/n), thanks for saving me"

"Nice to meet you, I'm parked down his way. It won't take long"

You began to follow him, taking him in as you did. He really was the absolute perfect man... everything you wanted. Everything you were holding out for.

"Hey Ryuzaki?"


A smile grew on your face.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?"

You could see the mental whiplash in his expression.

"I'm... cute?"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz