Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return part 1

Start from the beginning

 It has been well over a year, maybe even two years since I first met Thomas, I was baking a batch of cupcakes for me, mom, and dad. I took them out of the oven, and decorated mom and dad's cupcakes with green icing, similar to Percy and red icing, similar to James. I decorated mine with light blue, like Thomas. To mom and dad, they would just be ordinary decorated cupcakes, but to me, these were my "happy #1 visit to Sodor anniversary" cupcakes. It was kind of a working title.  Just as I finished decorating, mom and dad came to the kitchen. My mom set her coat on the coatrack and said, "Lily, we have a surprise for you!" I turned around and said, "What is it?" "Well," Mom said, "Your Father has a new job, and we are moving out of the city!" I was happy for my dad, but worried for me, this new job could either take me closer to Shining Time, or farther away. To me, Sodor was like my home away from home. And the thought of getting to visit less often curled my stomach in knots. "Where exactly are we moving?" I asked worriedly, Mom and Dad smiled as dad said, "It's a surprise! But I promise that you'll love it!" 

We spent the rest of the day packing up everything we owned. Later that day, we put our stuff in a moving van and got onto a surprise train as my parents called it. The whole way to our destination, I was desperately hopping that we were getting closer to Shining Time, and not farther away. After what felt like an eternity, we slowed to a stop. We got out of the train and I stared in awe, we were at the Shining Time station. "We know how much you like to go visit your grandpa," Mom said, "so we decided that we'd try to get a new job here, and since your father's new job is right here in Shining Time station, we thought it would be a wonderful surprise!" I just stood there with my mouth open. I was so excited inside, that I could hardly stand myself. "We're moving to Shining Time!?" I yelled excitedly. "Even better," Dad said, I felt my hands flutter, I couldn't stand the suspense much longer. "We're moving up to Muffle Mountain, just a forth of a mile's walk from your Grandpa's" Dad said, my smile immediately extended to its limit. I plastered my hands over my mouth keeping my scream of joy to a minimum. I jumped for joy, up and down I went, I was so excited! I could go see Grandpa, Thomas, and the island of Sodor  everyday! I just couldn't wait to see Thomas again.

I wanted to go see Thomas now, but we had to unpack and go see Grandpa first so that we could tell him the happy news. We went to our new house and unloaded our stuff. Then we went to go see Grandpa, higher up the mountain. He was very happy to see us, "Hey! Lily! What are you and your parents doing here?" Grandpa said happily, "We're moving up on the mountain!" I yelled happily. I ran inside, feeling as free as a bird. "Sweetie, calm down, we're going to have dinner with Grandpa soon" mom said, "okay Mom!" I said as I tried to calm down.

Thomas's POV

Hello! I'm Thomas! Thomas the tank engine, and this is the part of the story where I'm narrating. Uh, this is how narrating works, right? Well, anyway... It was just another hard working day, I had just finished all of my jobs on my branch-line and I was heading back to Tidmouth Sheds. It was actually pretty early in the afternoon, so I'd have some time to catch up with the other engines while we wait for our night-time jobs. When I arrived however, I saw all the other engines were gathering around a dark magenta and gold engine, it was Lady, the gold dust engine! She was vital to the magic that held this island together, as well as Lily, Mr. Conductor, and Burnett Stone's world. I blew my whistle "Peep! Peep!" as I chuffed over to Lady, "Hi Lady!" I said, "Good day, Thomas!" Lady replied calmly, "Look!" Lady said, just then, Mr. Conductor stepped out of her cab, along with Junior. "Mr. Conductor! Junior! Bust my buffers! It's good to see you!" I said, as I inched back and forth in place with excitement. "It's good to see you too, Thomas!" Mr. Conductor said, "What are you doing here?" I asked, "We're on an important mission!" Junior said, Junior gestured for me to puff closer to Lady, I pulled over to her, looked in her coal box and gasped. There was a metallic, purple conductor's whistle in the coal box. "Mr. Conductor, why is there a Conductor's whistle in Lady's coal box?" I asked. "Well," Mr. Conductor said, "Our family decided that with diesels like Diesel 10 around the island, we're going to need more help. So we decided that we'd make a new conductor's whistle filled with gold dust, and send it to someone who is or can be skilled at driving an engine. We want someone who is brave, and kind, for the job. We have the person's location but we won't know who will get the whistle until that person shows up. The whistle is slowly engulfing gold dust from Lady so it can take this person here, once we send the whistle." Mr. Conductor handed a remote to Junior, the remote had a big, red button on it. "When we push this button, the whistle will be sent off to our new conductor." Junior said, "Junior," Mr. Conductor said, "Please put the remote on the table so nothing happens to it," Junior went to the table, but then there was trouble, he slipped on an oil spill, and he and the remote went flying in the air! Both landed on the ground with a thud! Luckily, no one was hurt, but Junior's hand landed on the remote, specifically, on the red button! The whistle in Lady's coal box disappeared, we all gasped then glared at Junior. "What?" Junior said. "What do we do now, Mr. Conductor?" I said. "Well," Mr. Conductor said, "Unfortunately, the whistle only got enough dust to bring him or her to a random part of the island, not strait to us. So we're just gonna have to keep our eyes out for that whistle." "Oh dear," I said, "the Island of Sodor is quite large, I hope he or she doesn't get lost!" "I hope so too, Thomas," Mr. Conductor replied.

No one's POV

But what no one knew was that someone was listening to the conversation; someone who would send chills down the spines of any steam engine. The engine's large claw clashed, sending sparks flying from it's mouth. "Ah," said a big bully diesel, "so there's gonna be a third twinkle toes eh? Not if I find him or her first!" It was Diesel 10 himself! He was back! And he was ready to cause more confusion and delay than ever! Two twinkle toes, in Diesel 10's opinion were bad enough; but a third twinkle toes?! Out of the question!

Lily's POV

We had just finished a delicious dinner with pipping hot buttered rolls, fresh green beans, and delectable fried potatoes. After finishing my portion of the meal, I set my plate in the dishwasher and went to walk around Grandpa's house for a while. While I was waiting for mom, dad, and Grandpa to finish their extremely long, dinner conversation. Just then, in the corner of my eye, I saw something shining on the guest bed. I took a closer look and gasped, it was a metallic purple whistle, "Wow!" I said, "that's a beautiful whistle" I felt a mysterious force pull me towards the whistle, slowly I moved towards it. But not wanting to disturb something that wasn't mine, I turned around. But I felt like something was pulling me, begging me towards the whistle. Finally no longer willing to push back against the strange force, I picked up the whistle  and thought, "I wonder if it sounds as beautiful as it looks? Well, I may as well find out" I blew into the whistle with a loud "PEEEEP!" All of a sudden, my vision was blurred by golden dust! Gold dust! The gold dust swirled around me, almost creating a golden tornado before finally clearing up. It was then that I realized that I wasn't in Grandpa's house anymore, I was out in the country somewhere. "Hello!?" I called, but no one answered. I walked around until I came to a big sign, which read "Welcome to the Island of Sodor" Just then, it clicked, the gold dust took me to Sodor! "I'm on the Island of Sodor!" I repeated to myself out loud, "Which can only mean that this is a Conductor's whistle filled with gold dust! But where on the island am I?" I blew the whistle again, but nothing happened. I shook the whistle a bit, but didn't hear the glimmering chimes of the magical dust. The whistle was run dry of gold dust! "Great...just great," I said as I let my arms fall to the side. "I'd better start walking, I need to find Lady right away! I have to get home, and Lady's my only ticket!" It was then that my journey began, my second big adventure on Sodor.

Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now