"Yes sure you can think, but make sure you don't break a glass or plate. Ah- you should just stay at the counter today. Okay?"

Subin only nods quietly. His brain does not seem to function that well. He is suddenly afraid of all the unfamiliarity. The relationship that he is so used to. The only girl that he has ever been so comfortable with. Let's take a break. Naeun's voice rings in Subin's head. For most of it, it is the unexpected words that is leaving Subin in blank.

For the rest of the evening, Seungjun warns the other part-timer, Jihun, to just leave Subin alone, help him out a little if he needs. Luckily for them, Thursday evenings are never too crowded to begin with. Subin has his muscle memory to depend on, plating slices of cakes or desserts. Seungjun also trusts that Subin can handle the payments, which the young man does not disappoint. Through his five-hour shift, Subin slowly gets better, his reaction improves a little. His smile returns, when serving customers. He traces the relationship back bit by bit, to the start of their dating days.

Subin and Naeun started dating in their final year in high school. When everyone told them they should only focus on their studies, they started going out. Naeun had had feelings for this boy since the first day they met. In that new classroom, with all new faces. Subin walked in, and it was as if he brought wind with him. His hair hung from his forehead so naturally, swaying left to right as he walked. Their eyes met, Naeun smiled, and Subin politely nodded, taking it as an excuse to avoid further eye contact. But Naeun had her eyes locked on him. For each tennis match Subin played, Naeun was always on the spectator stand. She would cheer him on every time, and be the first to bring water and towel to Subin whenever a game ended. Fast forward to their final year in high school, on an outing at the start of the school year, their classmates cheered them on as they were pushed to the center of the crowd to do a couple dance. Naeun took Subin's hand and stood close enough that only the two could hear. She whispered to Subin, asking him to be her boyfriend. They spent the rest of their high school days on study dates that were mostly initiated by Naeun. But they did work towards a common goal, that they achieved, to enter the same university. Naeun would help Subin on his literature subjects while Subin would help Naeun with her sciences. When all the adults were not supportive and said they should quit dating and study harder, the two stayed together and studied even harder. They both did well in their college entrance exams and got into their dream majors. But they were still living on their parents' allowance and couldn't afford fancy dates. Naeun did not mind at all, just hanging around in the comic café excited her enough. Sometimes she would make kimbap and they would cycle into the park and choose a bench with splendid view to enjoy a meal together. Subin took up the part time job at the café because he would like to bring Naeun to the movies more often, and treat her a good meal once in a while. Which she rejected mostly, and said that it was okay to just watch movies at home as the couch was definitely more comfortable than the theatre seats. On the second year they were dating, Subin finally managed to surprise Naeun with a fancy dinner on her birthday. She blamed Subin for spending too much but was still pleased, and smiled ear to ear through the night. Lately, their dates had been short and mostly repetitive. They hung out at Seungjun's café before Subin's shift during the weekdays, and go for a short meal and stayed in Naeun's dorm during the weekends. They usually enjoyed a movie in silence, or simply sat next to each other while they completed their homework.

As Subin sit at the bar having flashbacks, Jihun flips the sign on their glass door. Closed. It is already 10pm. Jihun cleans up the last table before he heads to the kitchen to put away his apron and collects his bag. He says goodbye and heads out, all while Subin was not aware. Seungjun places a glass of what seems like transparent liquid in front of Subin. Subconsciously, the young man picks up the glass and takes a sip, larger than usual as he did not know what is coming. He coughs out immediately. That burn in his throat catches him off guard.

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