"He knows." I said as we pulled away and my eyes look down at my feet. "He said I couldn't see you anymore."

He look ready to walk out but I stop him. 


"We knew sooner or later this was going to come."

"I can't have you two at each other necks."

"And you're going to listen to him?"

"She will because I'm her brother." Harry voice came out of nowhere. "Leave, Malfoy."

"Oh yeah of course," Draco press, I knew he wasn't going to go down without a fight. "Let's all listen to Saint Potter."

"You're not going anywhere with or near her." Harry step forward.

"Not your bloody decision." Draco grabbed my arm gently. "Let's go Davina."


I was suddenly pulled away from him as Harry practically rip me out of Draco's grasp and place me behind him.

"I said you're going to leave her alone Malfoy."

They were standing close for my liking, not to mention both of them were clutching onto their wands tightly.

"Stop." I step between them yanking my arm from Harry. I look at the two who were still glaring at each other. Neither was going to given in. I turned to my Draco and step in front of him pushing him back to make space between them.

"Please go," he look down at my briefly. "I rather not have him hexing you, or either of you starting a fight here, you'll both get into trouble." I whispered so he would hear. "Please.... we both know this is going to end badly. I know you two will never see eye to eye. So just... for me please." I said as he look deeply into me.

He glance down at me and let out a small sigh. He leaned close and press a soft kiss on my forehead. "As you wish." He walk away not before giving my brother one last glare before walking away.

I turned to Harry after Draco was gone and look at him. "I'll be in my room."


I left the opposite way since that's where the common room was then the hallway that Draco had taken. When I reach the portrait, I gave the password and got inside heading to my room. I got ready for bed, and when I dress for bed I saw Athena with a letter. I walk over and took it from her reading the letter.

I understand why you asked me to do what you said, darling. Still you should've let me hex him, but you didn't want to. I was going to ask you to come with me somewhere but then POtter cut in. should've known if it wasn't going to be my parents, it would be your brother separting us. Course the idea that he's going to have close friends watching you every second of everyday angers me.

If he thinks I'm giving up, well he doens't know my as well as you do. I'm a Malfoy yes, one thing you need to learn is that I always get what i want no matter how long it takes. I'm nothing without you princess. Sleep well, my love. Because I will fight to get you back.

I smiled feeling small tears falling down from my cheek. I blinked and took a deep breath before grabbing my journal, wrote what happend today and then place the letter inside. Getting up i shut the window as Athena flew back. I closed the drapes around me and crawled under the covers, I heard the girls coming into their dorms. After closing them completely, I grabbed my wand and cast a spell to keep the girls from opening my drapes.

I just didn't want to talk anymore about what happened. Harry probably told everyone, then again would he want the castle knowing that his sister and his nemesis were seeing each other behind his back. Neville knows, even Simon.

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