Kill the whore as instructed, if my brother gets in the way kill him as well. Bring me back a token to prove the job has been done.

Kill the whore as instructed. She may not have written how but it's not hard to guess from looking at what had been done to my wife. Cersei planned the cruelest death possible for her. To mimic both her brothers attempted assassination and Talisa's death.
She fought hard but she wasn't any match for him. He's built almost like the Mountain but not tall enough to draw attention, these wounds would have felt like mere scratches to him. I likely wouldn't have even stood a chance against him.
Rayna isn't one to cower and beg for mercy, she would have fought him with her bare hands to survive and by the fingernail marks on the side of his face that isn't mauled she did. At some point she got her hands on her dagger but it wasn't enough.
She screamed out for me, she would have known that she couldn't take him on her own and she screamed out for me but I wasn't there.
The sound of a throat clearing almost makes me jump out of my skin and I turn to see Maester Wolkan standing there straightening his robes and before I have a chance to form words he announces "The Queen will live"
Brienne half catches me as I fall to my knees as relief floods me that violently.
"I want to see her", I say hoarsely, the first words I've spoken in hours.
"My lord she is resting", he says but I'm already blindly walking through the halls to our bedroom unprepared for what awaits me.


"I want to see my husband", I murmur as I try to lift my head to look at Sam but I don't have the strength.
"You need to rest", he tries to tell me "You've lost a lot of blood"
"I want to see my husband", I demand as I try to sit up "I am the Queen and I demand to see him"
"Your Grace please don't move you'll tear the wounds open", he pleads nervously.
"I want Jaime", I try to yell out but it turns into a deranged sob and I fall limply back onto the bed "I want Jaime"
"Sweetheart", I hear him tremble and I'm able to look up enough to see him standing in the doorway looking more distraught then I've ever seen him.
Sam walks over to him and although he tries to whisper I can still hear him "We've given her a low dose of milk of the poppy for the pain but not enough to sedate her in case it harms the babies, the other medicine she's been given has made her a bit disoriented but that could also be due to the blood loss"
"They're alive?" he exclaims and I press my eyes shut tightly as if it could block my hearing.
"We don't know", he admits "The wounds to her stomach were shallow slices to the flesh and didn't go deep into the stomach but she was stabbed beneath the breast and we aren't sure if it penetrated the womb, it's a miracle there aren't any direct wounds to the womb so there is a chance but it's slim"
I hear Sam leave the room and the sound of the door closing, then Jaimes familiar footsteps grow louder and I can feel him take my hand and press it against his feverish lips.
"Sweetheart look at me"
Reluctantly I open my eyes and when I see him I wish I never did. It's a state I wish I could never see him in.
Silently he moves away the blanket covering my stomach and gently lifts up my nightgown.
I can't bare to look at him as he examines the wounds but I can hear the sharp exhale of his breath when he sees them.
"What happened?" he asks gently as runs his thumb over the side of my swollen stomach.
"I was looking at the fire then I saw him standing behind me, I hit him over the head with a candlestick but he was built like the Mountain, he tried to stab me in the belly but as I went for my dagger the tip of his sliced me. I thought I had him when I stabbed him but he barely flinched, he disarmed me and as I clawed at his face again he tried to stab me in the belly but he missed and got me beneath the breast and that was when Ghost got him"
I thought it would be painful to recall but I only feel numb. I don't feel rage nor grief. I just want it all to end. I want this war to end, I want to be happy with Jaime and our children. I'm tired of fighting.
"I should have been there", he mutters and I close my eyes again, of course he blames himself for this "If I was there-"
"You'd likely be dead", I answer as hurtful as it might be "This is no one's fault but hers"
Although I may feel numb her name inspires so much fury in me I cannot even speak it.
"Cersei", he answers and when I bring myself to look at him his eyes are burning with tears, not of sorrow but of rage.
"I will have her head", I vow "But not today, today I need my husband"
He nods silently as he tries to contain his rage and stays beside me as I begin to fall asleep, whether it's from the medicine or from the sheer exhaustion I don't know, but I fear wait awaits me when I wake.

The Wolf and The Lion || Jaime LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now