Broken Doll

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I've been torn too many times to count,
Ripped apart at the seams;
Claws and venemous fangs,
Their memory etched into me.

Streamers of dirty wool burst from my cracked skin,
Hanging by fibres of my being -
Until they're shoved back again,
Each time threatening to completely unravel me.

A broken doll,
My ragged skin caging a shattered soul;
Too soon I'll be irreparable and even the children shall
Eternally forget me.

I've been thrown away too many times to count,
Mended at my frayed seams,
By the very same soft talons
That later seek to shred me.

A painted smile and clear eyes,
Enough for those who pull my strings
Pushing me to my demise;
Cold needles break my skin:
The slow annihilation of me -

- just another broken doll

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