Chapter 5. Opening torch

Începe de la început

  Cooking fires sent smokes straight up on both sides of the dirt streets I slowly I waited, expecting...certain... What is the first impulse of people who live in a world of constant war and the need for vigilance and knowing when to strike first? When strangers appear! When they are completely different from you and your tribe! Fear first. Then attack. It was ever the way of human beings. Yet I had witnessed that this must not always be so. On the frontiers and even inside the great cities of the Empire, ways without threats of violence had been introduced in only the last few years that avoided this typical reaction and maintained a useful peace. Those ways were yet to be employed here. So...

The first strike came from both sides of the street, coordinated by some unseen signal and the assassins also not visible. They were good enough fighters for that! But the two short spears (I suspected using the same "atlatl" throwing stick the Ambassador had demonstrated for my father and the army several years ago.) hit my ribs with considerable force. Naturally, both also bounced off without harm. Quickly, I reached up to my neck and pulled up the black full facemask hanging there to clip it to the hook on the lionhead's chin. Another volley of spears and a stone-bladed throwing knife next hit me from behind. Also harmless, although my regal robe was now perforated several times.

I did not react. Kept walking at the same pace as before. Small hits struck my chest and my mask's right cheek and fell away. I had read about "blowpipes" in the Ambassador's Encyclopedia section on Weapons. Not unknown and in use in some parts of Africa. Just a simple long tube, say a hollowed bamboo shaft, used to blow out a slim dart, tipped with poison perhaps. These could have a surprising range and accuracy. From above, a few rocks flew down onto my head and shoulders. These also failed to do more than make muffled impacts with the lion's skull and skin.

  Through the mask's tempered glass eye covers I did see the next attack just in time. Really big man in wicker armor was charging at me with what seemed an entire tree limb inset with many stone-flake blades. The stroke from this might actually cause some significant impact damage! So I reached out with my empty right hand, pointed it at him, and gripped it into a tight fist. The bulging forearm muscles triggered the small crossbow strapped there and concealed up my open sleeve to send its dart directly into his neck just above the armor, as I had aimed it well. He was that close!

True, I had appropriated this idea, called mysteriously a "Harvey Winesting" by Sir de la Mancha, from his Encyclopedia. Never used it before, but now it proved a most effective non-lethal defense. Despite his size and obvious power, the man instantly dropped his weapon and clutched his neck to draw out the dart, already screaming in pain and terror. Therefore, he was aware that such darts, in this land at least, were usually fatal. But I had decided not to kill any native unless absolutely necessary...bad for our future relationship, especially so early in its birth throes. The poison was from an Italian snake, which caused much pain but had been diluted to do no more harm than this...for about two days.

  I stepped over his writhing moaning body and walked on. A fine lesson taught! Nevertheless, I could have slain him easily using the dagger strapped to my other arm. Kept on walking, but now more watchful for anything in flames coming at me. Fire was the one thing my Dragon Scale armor would not defend against. Another gift to the army by Him. A mix of carbon and sulfur, joined by a secret method guarded well to prevent its theft by our enemies. But the shiny black plates this manufactured, sewn overlapped into an under-armor pad of twisted silk or cotton, created a skin absolutely impenetrable by even Rome's best weapons–let alone these sticks and stone knives! I had not even seen anything like a bow yet.

  Regardless, no worries. I did not react further to the heads that popped up and down from roof and window along my route. No more attacks. Best to follow my plan and let these natives get their first burst of aggression and fear worked out. And to let them know these strangers from Rome could not easily be hurt or killed, yet could cause great pain without death. Then I came to the end of this pier street and had to turn right toward the town's center...and there it was.

SO...I, COMMODUS, MADE AMERICA GREAT!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum