
Start bij het begin

"They want us to hook up," he said.

"I know," I laughed. Enya had been joking about it all night. She would elbow me around Finn and make jokes about us, which would have annoyed me if it weren't for my intoxixcation.

But we didn't hook up, we just lied on the bed and talked. We talked and talked for a while, both just enjoying being high and with each other. The conversation got super deep, which isn't out of the usual for us while intoxicated.

"I love you," I said, staring at the ceiling.

"I love you too," he said back. "You're my best friend in the fucking world," he added as he reached over and grabbed me by the waist. I laughed as I fell into his arms, being thrown onto the other side of him.

I had to fix my light pink hair, pulling it out of my mouth, making Finn laugh. I met his eyes, still hugging him. "You're my favorite person," I whispered, both of our eyes wide.

We stared at each other for a few moments, the room and background noise around us fading from existence before he whispered something back. "You're the best person on the entire fucking planet, Sky McCloud."

Smiles grew on both of our faces, and our foreheads bumped into each other. We stayed like that for a moment, our foreheads and noses touching, before I closed the gap. 

I didn't think before I did it. I just connected my lips with his. He was still for a moment until he kissed back. His lips fit into mine like a key in a lock, that had been waiting to be opened for years. The kiss was smooth, gentle, passionate... everything you could ask for in a kiss. (so i lied, we kinda did hook up)

We pulled away for a moment, both a little shocked, until something shifted in both of us. We both leaned in again, reconnecting our lips. His hand found its way to my cheek as our mouths danced together, moving in unison. 

Soon enough, we were making out. Enya and Josh were now successful in their endeavor of pretending to trap us in a bedroom together... the door hadn't even been locked. My best friend and I sucked face in that bedroom for maybe an hour before we both fell asleep.

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The next morning, we were both the first ones up. Everybody else was too hungover, snores still audible in the apartment. I woke up to find that Finn had already got out of bed. I wandered into the main room, which is when I saw him standing in the kitchen, staring at a wall. 

I slowly walked over and stood across from him, right in the middle of the wall he was staring at. He took a moment before he looked at me. 

His eyes looked all weird. I had never seen him that frustrated before. He looked like he was about to either cry or start raging. I couldn't tell which one it was. He just looked so gutted with his emotions.

I crossed my arms and tilted my head, hoping he would do something. Anything. We stood there for a couple of painfully long minutes, awkwardly staring at each other across the kitchen. Until he spoke.

"I don't know what to say." 

I stared at him, my arms still crossed. I couldn't think of anything to say either, so I just walked over and hugged him. He hugged back, tightly. 

"Do you think It was a mistake?" I asked, not letting go. I said it in a tone where he could tell I wanted him to say no.

He was silent for a minute, just holding me. 

"No," he said.

I pulled away from the hug. "You seem unsure, you're almost never unsure". 

His face had changed, he just looked numb at that point. "I don't regret it, Sky. I'm just... scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that this isn't right or that you wouldn't be okay with it. I mean, I've obviously been into you since I was like thirteen but I don't want to make it awkward."

I looked him in the eyes, sorrow shown in them. I didn't feel like saying anything, so I just leaned in for a kiss. He kissed back, softly, his hands going around my waist. We pulled away briefly, then leaned in and kissed again with more passion than the one before.

"Finn," I said, after pulling away but still in his arms with mine around his neck. "You know I'm more comfortable around you than anybody else, and I've been into you for a while too, but maybe I've hidden it better."


I nodded yes. The stupidest smile spread across his face, his eyes instantly lighting up. He didn't have anything to say, so he just kissed me again.

"Like, you genuinely enjoyed making out with me last night?" he asked once we pulled away. 

"Yes, I genuinely enjoyed it," I said. Finn raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I loved it," I added.

"So, is this like a thing now?"

"Not if you're gonna be weird about it," I joked.

"You're right," he said, looking down at the floor.

"And Finn?" 


"Nothing's gonna change between us, right?"

"That's the last thing I want. We're never gonna change," he hesitated, "but we're still gonna have to grow up."

 I knew exactly what that meant. We're always going to love each other and connect on the same level, but we reached an age where new kinds of love came into the picture. We weren't exactly afraid of growing up anymore, like we were at age eleven.

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𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧 [finn wolfhard][✔️]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu