Chapter 1: Winter is Coming (XD)

Start from the beginning

Ned raised an eyebrow, "What made you so interested in the lines of the noble families? I bet you were looking at our family," he laughed. Rickon smiled and laughed along with his father on the comment.

He replied, "I was but I started to look at the other houses like House Baratheon, I found it to be very peculiar." The fire crackled brightly and Ned replied: "Oh really and what's this peculiarity that you might be referring to," Ned said.

Rickon responded, "I was looking through the section of House Baratheon and noticed that the children of King Robert I are different from that of the rest of their family. The Baratheons is described as having black hair and brown eyes but from the description of his children they do not seem to be fitting the characteristics but they are described as 'Golden-head' children."

"What does the term golden head mean?" Rickon asked his father.

Ned was feeling a deep chill that went through his spine as his son read the descriptions, he felt as if something critical was going to happen in the future. "Let me take a look this book," he urged Rickon to hand over the book. Rickon complied to his father's request as Ned marked the page and looked at the front cover, which he inspected but to him, it was nothing out-of-the-ordinary. He asked his son,

"Where did you find this book?"

Rickon responds, "It was in the history section of the shelves and I checked the registrar's records that the book was brought in by uncle Benjen."Ned absorbs the information and replies to his son,

"Whatever you and I have spoken to each other today must remain a secret you must not at any cost reveal this information at any cost, do you understand me," Ned softly glared at his son with emphasising the great importance on this matter.

Rickon said, "Yes father, I understand but why do you want to keep this a secret?" Ned responded, "Trust me, I will explain to you when the time comes and let's just say there is a lot at stake in the immediate future." Rickon nodded and trusted his father to reveal the information in the future. Before Ned left he told Rickon to put the book in the special shelf designated for the current Lord of Winterfell. To which, he complied and proceeded to further enhance his knowledge. 

Ned was walking towards his younger brother, Benjen's quarters when he saw Torrhen Stark, his brother's first son and Alice Snow, his bastard daughter; talking in the courtyard; he smiled seeing them getting along to see at least one person treating her well. Continuing through the hallway he reached Benjen's study and knocked on the door.  

Benjen said, "Come in." Ned entered and the former immediately stood up and bowed. 

Ned spoke, "Please brother let us forgo the formalities, we are family and we only need to do that is during formal events and special occasions," he chuckled.

Benjen replied, "Aye true that but we must keep true to our traditions and customs and one cannot just be casual towards the Lord of Winterfell."

Ned waved his hand; indicating that he will do so and took a seat in the guest seats despite Benjens urging that the head of the family should always be seated in the main seat. After looking through the windows for a while; Ned spoke,

"I was walking towards your place when I saw Torrhen and Alice talking with each other, it seems great that they are getting along because that's the first time in a while that I have seen Alice that happy."

Benjen responded, "Yes, I'm pleased that they are getting along, but what's really on your mind brother; you seem to be really worried, I can see it on your face."

Ned chuckled, "Observant as ever Benjen," then his face became a slightly serious, "While I was in the Royal Library I found Rickon reading an interesting book it's called The Lineages and Histories of The Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms do you know anything about this particular book," he leaned in as he finished. 

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