Chapter 2: Malfoy Manor

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"You're a worthless filthy little mudblood and you deserve this," Growled Ron as he carved the word into my arm. I screamed and cried loudly. Draco was trying to fight Harry and George's grip, and Ginny watched from the side. Draco was screaming for Ron to stop and I could practically see his heart breaking as he watched him carve into me. "Let her go!" Draco shouted once he got away. Ron didn't hesitate and grabbed his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!" He shouted. A green light shot out of his wand and hit Draco square in the chest.

"NOOO! DRACOOO!" I screamed as his body hit the floor right next to me. I cried and struggled to move closer to him. I hugged his face and laid on his chest. There was no movement or sound of a heart beat. I screamed loudly in agony and grief. "Now it's your turn." Rom muttered as he pointed his wand at me.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Hermione woke up with a start from the bad dream she had with tears streaming down her face. She was now sobbing and breathing hard because of it. "Hermione, whats wrong?" Draco said running into the room. "You were screaming."

"I-it was awful," She cried as he quickly sat next to her and hugged her.

"Tell me."

"I-it was d-during t-the w-war. W-we were h-here and I-I was being t-tortured like Bellatrix w-was during t-the real w-war, e-except it was R-Ron who was w-writing it o-on my a-arm. T-then y-you tried to s-save me but then-" she began to cry harder and hug him tighter. "B-But then h-he k-killed you. A-and you f-fell right next t-to me and it j-just felt s-so r-real. I thought y-you w-were dead."

"Don't worry Hermione. I'm right here. I'll protect you I promise," He whispered into her ear as she cried into his chest. After she calmed down a bit he gently grabbed her face making her look up at him. Without being able to resist, he leaned down and pressed his lips upon hers. She melted her lips with his as she clung to his shirt. Their lips moved in sync and this time it was her who slipped her tongue into his mouth. He was surprised by her bold move at first but shrugged it off. After a couple of minutes they pulled away with a slight blush on both of their faces. "W-will you stay with me for the rest of the night?" She asked him.

"Of course," He responded. They got under the covers and he wrapped her tightly in his arms. She felt safe and warm in his embrace. She knew he had changed a lot since the war and she was happy about it. She never wanted to go back to the Weasley's she'd rather stay with Draco. She hugged his chest tightly as she laid on it before slowly drifting to sleep. She didn't have another bad dream the rest of the night being in his arms.

When the sun had rose in the morning, Hermione and Draco woke up to squeals and cameras flashing. They fluttered their eyes open to see Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Astoria, and Narcissa taking photos of them with cameras, the girls squealing because of how cute they were. "Ughh why the hell are you guys here so early?" Draco groaned while covering his eyes as Hermione hid her face in his chest.

"What are you talking about?! It's almost noon!" Narcissa exclaimed. "Lunch will be ready soon." She walked out the room and Pansy and Astoria jumped on the bed as Blaise and Theo stood next to it. Draco sat up as Hermione walked out of the room to go to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and hair and made sure her conceal spell wasn't wearing off. Meanwhile, Draco explained why he was sleeping with her and what happened last night. The girls squealed when he told them about the kiss. He quickly shut them up as Hermione walked back in. She crawled back in bed next to Draco and wrapped herself in the blankets and nuzzled closer to him. The girls smirked at her. "What? It's cold," She defended. They just gave her a 'sure ok' look.

"Listen Granger, we're really sorry about everything before and during the war. We shouldn't have called you.. urmm that," Blaise said and everyone nodded. "As Draco said we're trying to change and be nicer now after everything that's happened."

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