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Hazel sighed, she hated this. Once in a while McGonagall would speak to her for no reason, trying to get personal information out her. Although Hazel couldn't complain because the Professor always gave her cookies and pulled her out of classes, It still made her remember how miserable her life is outside of school.

Hazel sat down on a chair waiting for McGonagall to sit down too. She felt sweaty while her right leg was constantly fidgeting.

McGonagall finally sat down offering her cookies. Hazel happily grabbed one eating it waiting for the older women to start talking.

"As you may already know, I am having a conversation with every six year to know what they plan on doing once they graduate Hogwarts. So Miss Black , anything that you may have in mind?"

There she goes again with calling her Black.

Hazel silently let out a breath she was containing because she thought they were to speak about other things. "I would really like to become a profesional Quidditch player but in case that doesn't happen, anything related with magical creatures would do just fine"
Hazel answered gaining a nod from McGonagall while she wrote down what she was saying.

"Alright... another thing, you already know how to apparate, am I right?"

Hazel just nodded remembering all the times her mother would scream at her because just at the mere age of 8 because she couldn't grasp the idea of how to apparate but soon enough she learned how.

McGonagall looked up to her trying to study her. "Pardon me for intruding but do you happen to keep contact with your father?" She damn well knew Hazel has never spoken to Sirius and this even anger Hazel more.

Hazel gripped the chair she was sitting on until her knuckles turned white, her eyes held such range they looked darker. She was furious, how dare she ask that, she wasn't even her head of house.

The young girl stood up surprising McGonagall. Hazel not even giving her a last glance ran out of the classroom, literally about to explode with anger.

She walked towards Hagrid's trying to calm down. How could McGonagall be so disrespectful and ask her that? It was unbelievable.

When she arrived at the half-giant home she caught sight of a small note on his front door.

If you are Hazel, I am feeding the Thestrals, feel free to come.

Now if you are Harry, I told you to come during dinner.


Hazel smiled at the goofy note and walked into the woods going to the place where Hagrid will be, not before grabbing an axe on her way.

She saw Hagrid feeding the Thestrals, they are skeletal creatures about the side of a horse, only a bit more big, with a reptilian hide, white eyes and black wings. Only people who had seen death could see such magical creature.

Hazel gave Fang a cookie she saved for him making herself present.

She went to pet one of the little Thestrals giggling when it started to lick her hand.

"Hazel, you are supposed to be in class"
Hagrid spoke.

"Yes, you are right, I'm supposed to" Hazel answered chuckling a little bit.

She then started to tell him everything that happened with McGonagall. "And then!" Hazel said hitting a tree trunk in the process, "She proceeded to ask me- and how dare she- that if I had spoken, to Sirius Black!"

TRUEST BLACK- S.B daughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora