Ozpin: "Salem." The woman had pale white skin, red eyes, and wore a black robe. Her presence gave off an unsettling feeling. So this was Salem? "Why are you here?"

Salem: "I came by to see him." Her eyes were transfixed on (Y/N). Heat could be felt in the area around me. (Y/N)'s arms were burning a bright sapphire.

(Y/N): "SALEM!!!!" He bolted past us and charged her.

Ozpin: "No!!" His words had no affect. (Y/N) got close to her, but was swatted away effortlessly by her hand. His body sailed and indented itself in a nearby wall.

(Y/N): "GHHH!!!" His body feel to the ground and small amounts of blood trickled out of his mouth.

Yang: "(Y/N)!!" I ran over and held him in my arms. His breathing was shallow.

Salem: "What a pity. Such power yet it has no shape or form." Salem walked towards Ozpin and stood a few feet away from him. " You have three months to prepare yourselves."

Ozpin: "You won't win." Her chuckle was bone chilling.

Salem: "We'll see Ozpin." Her body turned into mist and disappeared. Ozpin ran over to us and checked on (Y/N).

Ozpin: "How bad are you injured?" (Y/N)'s breathing returned to normal after a few moments.

(Y/N): "Hurts all over, but nothing broken." My aura flared to life and started helping his injuries.

Ozpin: "That was stupid of you to do what you did." His face held a disappointing look.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry. I thought I could end it all in one go." His injuries finally healed and his aura flared to life.

Yang: "You promised me to never use that power again (Y/N)." A few tears ran down my face. "You broke it." His face was filled with regret.

(Y/N): "I thought I could use it once to finish her. When I saw her the only thing that went through my head was to defeat her. In my arrogance I broke the promise I made to you. I'm sorry Yang." I wrapped my arms around him lovingly.

Yang: "Just don't ever do it again." He wrapped his arms around me in the same manner.

Ozpin: "I wish I could give you two some more time, but we need to tell everyone." We both looked at Ozpin. "We can no longer hide the truth after this incident."

Timeskip - 4 Hour

(Y/N)'s POV

People filled every seat in the auditorium and camera crews stood by. Ozpin and I stood at the center of the stage. He tapped the mic and got everyone's attention.

Ozpin: "Many of know that Beacon was invade by Grimm earlier today. This encounter was not by chance, but instead an attack." Everyone around muttered to one another. Ozpin clicked a button on his scroll and a large projection appeared above. "This is Salem. She is the mother of all Grimm. A menace that will be our undoing if not taken care of."

Reporter: "Why tell us this information now?" A voice rang out from the crowd.

Ozpin: "Until this point there was no way to kill her. She is an immortal being." Ozpin shifted his attention towards me. "Mister (L/N) here has a Sembelance that was passed down from generation to generation. A proficiency was foretold of these events and of his Sembelance."

Report 2: "What is this Sembelance you speak of?!" Flames erupted form my palms and coated my arms. A lot of gasps erupted from the crowd.

(Y/N): "Sacred Flame." More reports asked us questions.

Report 3: "Why send a child to war?!" This really ticked me off. My Sembelance deactivated and I grabbed the mic.

(Y/N): "I may be young, but I have seen and done things a child should never even think of. I'm willing to risk everything in order for everyone to live happily." The reporter sunk back into the crowd embarrassed. "No more questions."

Reports picked up their equipment and everyone slowly left the auditorium. Soon it was just me and Ozpin.

Ozpin: "(Y/N)." He looked at me with a sorrowful expression.

(Y/N): "I meant what I said Ozpin. I'm willing to risk everything. I'm scared out of my mind and worried, because if I fail then there will be nothing left. I can't let that happen. Especially not to Yang." He brought me close to himself and hugged me. It felt like a fatherly hug.

Ozpin: "I know you'll succeed (Y/N). You'll protect everyone. We believe in you." I returned the embrace. My mind finally relaxed and my thoughts were clear.

We let go and walked off the stage. Once outside I was greeted by my friends. Ozpin left and probably returned to his office. Yang came up to me with a hug. Her body against mine was blissful.

Oum I hope you're right about this Ozpin.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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