Here we go again

14 3 6

1) What's your favourite season?Salt and Pepper

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1) What's your favourite season?
Salt and Pepper. And winter

2) Best aesthetic word in your opinion?

3) Sexuality?

4) Who's your type?

5) Are you a morning or night person?
Night, mornings are so pathetic

6) Unrecognised artists that you think deserve more followers?
No idea I don't know people I don't have friends what is life help I'm caught in this loop of torture and despair we know as existence

7) What sport are you best at?
Dodgeball because I'm too small and insignificant to even be noticed, let alone get hit

8) Top 5 favourite people?
1) My dog
2) Joe
3) Joe
4) José
No. 5 is a three way tie between Joe #4, Toblerone and DrMarshmallo

9) Favourite Pizza Toppings?
Anything as long as the tomato sauce is spicy

10) 3 random thoughts you have?
1) If you take a dump in space does it just float around?
2) Why do all my friend's names start with "J"?
3) How long before the human body dies of cringe?

11) Any crushes?
Classified. In other words, no not really

12) On a scale of 0/10, how good of a partner do you think you would be?
A whopping -4

13) Favourite Celebrity?
Pewdiepie. Reason being? Because I can. Also he's epic.

14) What's your scent?
Cereal, most likely

15) And finally, do you think you're happy?
hahahahhahahaahha no

-idlehearts -idyllicstars- Bethany_Thats_Moi DrMarshmallo TheAnonymousAuthor02

-idlehearts -idyllicstars- Bethany_Thats_Moi DrMarshmallo TheAnonymousAuthor02

Yea I know it's the same 5 people but just accept it I'm new to this schtuff

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