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Gon and Killua are coming back from a Trip into the "Mountains of fears"
This is where their new Mission takes place. They're searching for a violet shimmering crystal, they are in the depths of these Mountains, but it's hard to get them. Of course something worth that much will get a lot of attention, all different type of Hunters are trying to get such a thing in their own hands. But there's a Myth that no hunter except one made it there. The legendary Hunter's name was Rwang. He now lives somewhere far away from Civilization, no one ever spotted him again after that.

Your probably wondering why they need one of those Crystals, it's because the Hunter alliance has decided that there are too many Hunters failing as for what they stand for. Too many are just enjoying the fame, money and wealth but don't work enough. The Hunter alliance even collected everyone's Hunter pass so that no one can sell it and buy it back after the 2 weeks are over. That's when you know it's getting serious.

All Hunters need to accomplish something incredible, something only a Hunter could do in the next two weeks and have the receipts if they want to stay being a Hunter. You could call it a second Hunter exam, but instead of using your Hunter pass to get access to all the places, the Hunters get an invisible nen sign on their forehead that activates once you tell the truth. It works like that. If a hunter wants to go to a place that can't be accessed by normal citizens he has to say "I'm a Hunter" if he says the truth, the nen sign on his forehead will activate and you can see it for a few minutes. And now Gon and Killua want to get this Crystal.

On their way back from the „Mountains of fear" Gon questions killua
„Hmm isn't it weird, that Rwang was never seen again after he succeeded in getting one of those violet shimmering Crystals?"

„ well you could think that, but more importantly why did he search for this Crystal just to disappear after? Maybe he was planning something big something outrageous that couldn't have been done near civilization, and needed the Crystal for that"

Gon began to think very hard, whenever he put his hand on his chin and arched his eyebrows, Killua knew Gon was trying to get behind this.
Killua continued saying..

„ Maybe the Crystal provides more than just a LOT of money, but no one knows about it, because Rwang was the only one to ever get such a Crystal, basically Rwang was the confirmation that this Crystal even exists, it used to be only a legend"

„You're right, as a Hunter you do get a lot of money, but this Crystal stands for bravery, since it's one of the hardest things to get in the world"

„True, these Mountains are infiltrated by Monsters and Creatures the daylight hasn't seen before, spooky if you ask me, but i see it as a Challenge, i hope it's not too easy, because you know how i hate being bored"

Killua said before he let out a big sigh.
Gon and Killua were supposed to meet up with Leorio and Kurapika in the Center of the City. So they headed there.
When they arrived they saw Leorio in the distance arguing with an old Lady.
Leorio had a purse and a big print of hands across his face.
Killua and Gon started to burst out laughing
„Looks like that old Lady slapped him real good"

Leorio is walking towards Gon and Killua with a Grumpy face
„All i did was steal the purse from the real theft but then the old hag thought i stole it.. what a society we live in hmph"

Gon couldn't help but keep laughing
But once he was done, he noticed that Kurapika wasn't here. Leorio said that he has no clue to where Kurapika could be.

"Hah, as always I didn't expect him to be here anyways"
Leorio said as he crosses his arms.
"Looks like he's still angry, about the purse incident"
Killua said, Gon spotted Kurapika and shouted. „THERE HE IS" Kurapika headed their way, „Hey, guys look at this, the Hunter alliance gave out letters saying that everyone only has one week, for their Mission to stay being a Hunter" Everyone was wondering why they shortened it. Leorio was hesitating
"That's Just another reason to go now, time is running"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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