The Beginning

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Greetings everyone-! J here, with a little something to say, this chapter is created by theNeonBunny. And is in no form mine whatsoever.

All credit goes to her, the only reason for this chapter to be in this story is because it makes of a great starter and gave me the piece i need to actually start this little idea of mine thats been in my mind for months now.

I had asked permission, and you can ask her yourself. Also, the designs that im going to give ubercorn and glitch as kids here are mine. Yes, ask neo and she'll tell you that the eye colors and freckles for glitch were on me. And that i have not stolen anything

Again, all credit for this chapter goes to TheNeonBunny. And if youve already read this, you can go ahead and skip to the next chapter. Where my story would begin ^^

Anywho, enough rambles. Lets get started-!


Wherever he went, Ubercorn never fit in.

From the moment it was discovered he was defective in terms of magic, he was an outcast to everyone in his homelands.

A Freak.

He didn't belong in a land dominated by magical ability.

having magic was pretty much a necessity of a daily life there, and he couldn't even have it, all because he was unable to perform any magic.

He had been told if he was lucky, he'd gain a slight of magic when he reached adulthood.
But to Ubercorn, it didn't matter. he'd grow up defective, a social outcast to any other unicorn.

Then, he discovered the Go Jet Academy.

A place where Humans would train to become heroes, using only their brains, brute strength and natural abilities.

The concept truly facinated the young unicorn.
he wanted to know more about the place.

Maybe, just maybe, that was where he belonged.

It took a lot of convincing for Ubercorn to get the head of the academy to give him a scholarship to the academy, as he had never had a unicorn student. but, Ubercorn had promised he was genuine, and wouyldn't be able to boast any magical abilities, due to the fact that he didn't possess any whatsoever.

a few months later, an exited Ubercorn was packing his trunk to go to the academy. they'd sent the acceptance letter, scholarship certificate, and the green and yellow uniform all first years at the Go Jet Academy needed.

With stars in his Cyan-Blue eyes, Ubercorn got into his parents' silver and blue decorated carriage, which would be taking him to the academy's location.

Out of the window, he watched as the thing took flight, thanks to magic. he watched as his home got further from him. it was almost as if he was saying goodbye to a world, and hello to a new one.

The entire trip, Ubercorn was watching the window, and the lands below him. he'd never been away from home, most unicorns never left, since they prefeered to hide out, keep to their home.

He'd be experiencing something most didn't.

and Ubercorn loved it.

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