Actions and Reactions

Start from the beginning

"Listen, I know this is awkward as hell," you started hesitantly. "But it wasn't you that I hooked up with right?"

Mark's eyes widened and he let out a nervous laugh before he started to cough, choking on air. You approached him to make sure he was okay but he waved you off with his hand saying he was fine.

"It wasn't me," Mark eventually said once he'd composed himself.

"Oh thank goodness! That would've been super awkward right?"

"Yeah, super awkward..." Mark trailed off and you both noticed your phone light up to signify a message. Mark took this chance to go back to his room, jumping straight on the computer to blow off some steam with his gaming.

[12:00] jacks: hey listen, boss man needs you to come in today
[12:00] jacks: mina called in sick and no one else can come
[12:00] jacks: you know i'm a baby and can't do it by myself
[12:01] jacks: please come and save me

You sighed, not really wanting to lose your day off but you realised that Jackson might hold all the answers to your mystery mark and you might as well get paid whilst you were investigating.

[12:03] mark's girl: fine. i'll be there
[12:03] mark's girl: but you owe me
[12:03] jacks: thank you!!!


You finally arrived at the cafe with a groan as Jackson engulfed you in a hug. You pushed him off of you after awhile, wanting to get ready and have the shift over and done with. You were hoping to make it back by dinner because you hadn't been able to cook anything and didn't want Mark to starve, especially since he looked after you last night. You had to settle for leaving him a note in regards to your whereabouts as he had his infamous gaming sign on his bedroom door when you were about to leave for work.

Once you put the 'closed' sign on the door of the cafe, you were about to bring up the issue of your memory loss but Jackson beat you to the punch. The truth was, Jackson didn't really ask anyone else to cover Mina's shift when she called in sick. He called you straight away wanting to get the goss from last night straight from the source.

"So, how did you pull up this morning?" Jackson wriggled his eyebrows in question and you were confused.

"Fine..." you answered warily.

"And how was Mark?"

"Fine, I guess," you shrugged. "He was a lot better than me. Even had a bright smile on his face when he walked out of his room and —"

"Wait, he came out of his room? You weren't in there with him?"

"What the hell, Jackson? Of course I wasn't in there! We sleep in different rooms. Why would I sleep in there?"

"Yeah, but last night something happened —"

"Yes!" you interrupted him excitedly before pulling the collar of your shirt down a little bit to show him your hickey. "Last night is what I want to talk about! What the hell happened? Who did this come from?"

Jackson laughed in surprise at what you revealed. He wasn't privy to this information last night when you and Mark left so he was definitely excited about this little development. That was until what you said to him sunk in. "Wait, you don't remember who gave it to you?"

"No," you whined at him. "I don't know what you put in those drinks but I don't remember a damn thing."

Jackson shook his head at Mark's luck, or lack thereof. It looked like his job as a wingman wasn't quite finished yet. "You should ask Mark about it," Jackson said slyly. You were about to inform him that you already had this morning, but Jackson was quicker yet again, "Considering he was the one that gave it to you."

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