From the Shadows...

Start from the beginning


Sasha: What the fuck?!?

The hooded figure raises his right arm and points at her and at Sasha with the lead pipe.

Then the lights cut out for a few seconds and it cuts back on to see him gone.

Out of the distraction Nikki small packages Bayley

Ref: 1,..2,...3

*Bell Rings*

Nikki quickly leaves before Sasha could get the chance to jump her.

Sasha: What the hell?!?

Midway of the show...

Elias had a squash match against a local talent and while he celebrated the lights cut out again.


Corey: Oh here we go!


When the lights come on Elias was met face-to-mask with the man that took him out two weeks ago.

For a moment the two me just stood there looking at each other until Elias swings at the mystery man. He dodges the swing from Elias and counters with a punch combo that would make Untertaker proud.


Renee: Man Elias is getting lit up!!

Corey: Oh my god, he can give Brock a run for his money!

In the ring...

Elias was struggling to get up when the mystery man grabbed him and then drove his head into the mat via brainbuster.

The masked man looked at the end result and stared at the hard cam until the lights came off and on and he was gone again.


Cole: What is his purpose for doing this?!?

Corey: Man this guy is something else.

Renee: He's out on a mission

At the end of the show...

Sasha, Bayley, and Elias comes out to air their opinions about this masked man business.


Corey: Oh God not them three again!

Cole: They've showed up more times tonight than Brock has in 6 months.

Renee: I hope that mystery man shows up to save us.

In the ring...

Sasha: I don't know who the hell you are, but this ends now!

Elias: You coward attacking twice and then playing mind games on these innocent women!

Bayley: Yeah! First you club Elias with a lead pipe..

???: Would you three shut the fuck up!

The three looked confused as the where the noise is coming from.

???: Wow,...on the tron you blind fucks.

Now they turned to the tron after the ma insulted them.

???: Elias it's funny that you call me a coward but didn't you attack Alexa Bliss from the back? The two innocent ladies next to you aren't so innocent, we have an leach in Bayley and a manipulative friend in Mercedes...I mean Sasha. Sorry for my mistake, Mercedes KV didn't botch moves as much you.

The crowd got a kick out of that one.

Sasha had the testing bitch face and Bayley had the well a Bayley look.

???: Now you're all dying to know why I'm doing this.

Sasha/Bayley/Elias: Yeah!

???: On second thought I'll let y'all figure that out yourselves. Now Elias, that IC title of yours also peaks my interest.

Elias: Oh yeah? Too bad you ain't getting a shot!

???: I'm not asking. If you don't then you'll this lead pipe more often.

Elias:...You think I'm scared of you?

???: Hmmm, how about this, if you don't give me the match then this pipe is greeting Sasha and Bayley's fiancés.

Sasha: What?!?

Bayley: Oh no...Elias take the damn match!

The two women were pestering Elias about taking the match.

???: Tick, tock, tick, tock,...

Elias: DAMMIT! You want a title match, YOU GOT IT!

The mystery man just maniacally laughs at them.

The lights cut out for a few seconds and cut back on.

Bayley and Elias were still staring at the tron, but Sasha was the first to notice something or rather someone behind them.


All three scattered out of the ring  and sprinted up the ramp to see the figure in the middle of the ring.

The mystery man stood there holding the lead-pipe and glaring daggers at the three on the ramp.

Blissed Reunion [Alexa Bliss X OC] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now