ruspol #1

449 9 4

Pierogi: hello commie
Commie: hello pierogi
Pierogi: let's fuk
Commie:ok ;p
Pierogi: hAhA jkjkjk in your dreams
Commie:oh :'(
Pierogi: *walks away*
Commie: guess I have to kidnap him then lol
Commie: hello pierogi
Pierogi: bye commie
Commie: *mad* how daer u?
*commie makes pierogi unconscious with his magic metal pipe of pain*
Pierogi: where tf am i?
Commie: in my bedroom..
Pierogi: why am I in ur bedroom?
Commie: cuz it abt to become one with me...duh.
Pierogi: tf no I love lietbaby
Commie: well let's do this the hard way then *takes off clothes (bc we don't need clothes)*
Pierogi: ok nvm u have a bigger mickey d's than lietbaby does
*they fudge and Pierogi gets preggo(this is the world of hetalia nothing makes sense)*
Commie: Pierogi?
Pierogi: yeah
Commie: will u marry me?
Pierogi: YeS!!
Lietbaby:*cries in corner*
So they got married and had a lot of commie-pierogi babies. The end

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