Class fight

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A/n: more k-12 au? FUUCCCKKK YEAHHHH.

You and your childhood friends L or Ryuzaki as the school called him, weren't the most popular at school. Maybe it was because you were both quiet. Maybe it was because you looked different. Maybe it was because L would wear the girls uniform cardigan because it was warmer and he got cold easily. Who knows.

But the bottom line was you were both not that liked.

Everyone knew that you had a black out drunk of a mother, and L came from the orphanage down the road, so maybe that's what was the cause of the bullying. Did you really care? Not really. Sure sometimes someone said something that stung but after a little cry to each other you were both over it.

Sitting at your desks in class next to each other, you both helped each other colour in a cat. Killing time until recess. The teacher was probably high, she was out of it and not paying attention.

A scrunched up ball of paper landed on your desk, L picked it up. It was obviously for him as it went flying over his head. Unwrapping the paper he was met with two things. A sentence and a drawing.

You at recess, emo looking fuck.

Underneath being a picture of a stick figure cutting another stick figure. You have a frustrated sigh and looked back at the table of giggling students. The Kira table you nicknamed them.

Light really didn't like L for whatever reason, so he was definitely the one to throw it. You snatched the paper off L and scrunched it back up.

"Don't listen to him, he's a dick wad" you said.

L watched as you put the paper in your mouth.

"What are-"

"Give me a second"

After soaking that paper in spit, you turned and spat it at the Kira table, it hitting the back of Lights head. They gave you a sour look and you flipped them off as L tried to keep in laughter.

Somehow the teacher didn't notice that, and got up, declaring nap time. Both you and L knew what you'd be doing while the others slept.

You all pushed the tables to the side, everyone getting their little mats and blankets, lying down under the star lights too sleep, but using the power you both had, you slipped into the secret pillow fort you had. It was big, dark and endless, just how you liked it.

"Where are you?" You asked.

"This way, follow my voice" L replied.

"Where? Oh wait I see you!"

Crawling up to each other and sitting opposite each other you began talking when you should have been sleeping.

"Who drew that?" You asked.

"I think it was light... he's trying to rip my head off or something" L replied.

"You've gotta start defending yourself. I can't always be there for you, as much as I want to. Some day he'll come at you while I'm not around"

"I know but..."

You held out your hand, sparking a flame in your palm.

"You're forgetting we can do anything. You can defend yourself"

Putting out the flame by creating water in his palm and pouring it on your hand he shook his head.

"No, it's be an unfair fight" he replied.

"Well don't be afraid to get physical then. If you want my advice, go for the throat" you said.

Seeing something through the gap in the pillow fort, you both looked up to see Light, carrying the class pet. A snake.

"What is he doing?" You questioned.

Not even a few minuets later you found a snake in your fort.

"Did he seriously think that'd scare us? I have a pet spider at home" you laughed.

He picked up the harmless snake, just a ball python.

"It's literally not even poisonous, or big enough to constrict. Dumbass" L giggled.

Knowing nap time would be over soon, you both went back to your spots and waited for the recess bell to ring. It didn't take that long, all the kids scrambling outside to get a good spot in the sandpit as the play equipment was for display only. You and L sat in the smaller sandpit next to a seesaw, just talking about life.

You were a little on edge, Light did threaten L after all, but so far it wall bark no bite.

"But anyway, remember that time no one came to my birthday party?" L asked.


"Well it may have been a good thing actually... now that I know how horrible everyone is. I can't believe I was so blind to that in daycare"

"I mean you were like 2, I don't blame you for being naive about it" You replied.

"But that that was a good week anyway because of the carnival, we should go to the carnival again sometime"

"We should, this time I won't get stuck in the carousel though"

"Yeah maybe don't repeat that" he laughed.

Out of nowhere you saw Light pushing everyone away and march over to L, everyone following as they knew a fight would break out.

"Maybe we should skip the carouse-"


Before L could react, Light had hit him in the back of the head, jumped him and pinned him down. You tried to jump in to pull light off, but the other kids held you back. You had to watch helplessly as L thrashed around trying to get free, Light grabbing a pocket knife.

"LET HIM GO!" You yelled.

As the knife touched his skin, you suddenly saw his eyes turn black, and you stopped fighting the kids grip on you as you knew what was coming. He was finally standing up for himself.

Slowly Light was lifted off the ground along with L himself. They for higher and higher as everyone watched I'm confusion. But you just smirked, you knew L would win this.

"Put me down you freak!" Light yelled, dropping his knife.

You watched the tiny braids you'd put into L's hair earlier today start for move on their own. His hair was short, but at the back it was longer than the rest so you often played with it ams put little pigtails or braids into it. Suddenly those tiny braids extended, shot out at Lights throat, they wrapped around his neck, choking him.

Would you look at that? He took your advice and went for the throat. You giggled to yourself as Light gasped for air. You were honestly ready to help L hide the body if that's what it took for the bullying to stop.

But sadly the fight was cut short by the teacher finally noticing and storming over. She blew the whistle and both L and Light dropped to the ground with a thud.

"Damnit..." you scoffed.

The teacher stormed up, grabbing them both by the hair and pulling them away to the principals office, you following close behind. On the way you quickly grabbed your backpack that you knew you had bandaids in. They were dumped in the waiting area outside the principals office where you sat next to L, rummaging though your bag for a bandaid for the cut. Light glared at the two of you. Salty he got his ass beat, and very nearly died at the hand of some boys killer braids.

You put a bandaid over the knife cut, giving him a smile.

"See? Self defence is fun when you have that ability" you smirked.

"It was just survival instinct, I didn't want to start anything..." L said.

You gave him a 'really?' look.

"Ok maybe I did..."

"Good, he started it, he deserved to be choked out. I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself" you said, wrapping an arm around him.

He smiled, leaning his head on your shoulder.

"You always have my back... I love for that"

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