Why snow?

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Devon POV

I looked down to see a forest of trees and what looked like lights to my left. This made no sense I feel into a well not a friken universe. I don't get it one minute I'm in woods, the next minute I'm in a totally different woods. I finally hit a branch on a tree tumbling through multiple other branches breaking them. Splinters and other parts of trees being inserted in my body. Blood now Gushing from different parts of my body. "Owwwwww!" I yelled. I finally landed on a patch of snow with a thump. It was cold and wet ,of course, seeping into my Demon Days hoodie. "Ughhhhhhhhhh!" I said as I lifted my sore body off of the ground. Nothing felt broken oddly just super bruised. I started to walk out of the dark forest when I noticed that the moon was red and when I fell it 3:00 p.m. Also it was October in Louisiana we don't get any snow and this is a giant pile. My sneakers crushed against the snow. I finally made my way out of the forest to find a side walk. There was street next to the side walk with buildings, lamp posts, and cars driving by me. A demonic looking talk figure with horns line ing it's arms, sharp claws with blood all over them, it's knees were backward even. It spoke and said."What are you looking at peasient?" In a really creepy demonic voice. Peasient? Really what the fuck?

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