XVII. Bar Mitzvah

Start from the beginning

Stanley opens it, smiling at every painting and drawing. "I'm not much of an artist, but it's the thought that counts, right?" She chuckles, scratching the back of her neck. "It's amazing. Thanks so much, Fleur." Stanley says, giving the girl a huge hug. "Um- you're really pretty today, Fleur." Stanley says, anxiously scratching his head.

"You look pretty too, Stan." Fleur jokes, feeling her cheeks flush red. "That compliment is much appreciated." Well, I have to go prepare. Richie's inside. You can go sit beside him there." Stanley says, motioning to the other room ahead of them. "Yeah. Alright, I'll see you."

The boy leaves, leaving Fleur alone. The blonde sighs, studying all the formal wear of the other guests. Some looked similar to Stanley, some not so much. Entering the room, she hears Richie call out to her. "Fleur! Over here!" He says, waving her over.

She slowly makes her way to him, sitting beside him. "This is my sister, Juliet." Richie motions you the girl sitting beside me. "Oh sorry, did I cut in between you two?" She asks, looking over to the Tozier girl. "No, stay. He's a pain in the ass." Juliet whispers, chuckling. "Tell me about it." Fleur rolls her eyes.

"Richard, Juliet, the ceremony is about to start. So pl- oh! Hello. What's your name?" A woman that looked a lot like Richie asks, looking to the blue eyed girl. "This is Fleur. She's Stanley's girlfriend." Richie states.

"I'm not his girlfriend. I'm Stanley's friend, Mrs. Tozier." Fleur sends the woman an awkward smile. "And Richie's." She adds, placing her arm around the boy. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Fleur." The woman says before taking a seat next to Richie.

Suddenly, Mr. Uris comes on stage, lightly tapping the mic a couple times to get everyone's attention. "Alright, hello everyone and thank you so much for attending this celebration. What is a Bar Mitzvah? A Bar Mitzvah isn't simply reading from the Torah, or saying a few prayers, or partying. It's about a young boy becoming a man. Maturing, if you will. We are here to be celebrate the coming of age of Stanley Uris." On cue, Stanley walks up on stage, looking extremely nervous.


After what seemed like a Torah reading that lasted forever, Stanley brings the mic closer to himself. "Reflecting on what I just read, I like what it says about indifference. Well, when you're a kid, you think the universe revolves around you. That you'll always be protected and cared for. That you'll always have the same friends as when you were twelve." Stanley glances over at Fleur and Richie for a moment, then looks away.

"Then, one day, something bad happens and.. you realize that's not true. You wake up, suddenly not caring about lives outside your own. Nothing going on outside your front door matters anymore. You separate yourself from anything that might matter to you."

Fleur continues to listen attentively. "Neighbors, family, your friends.. But when you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. And they start to come for you and you don't even know they're getting closer until it's too late. So they attack you before you find the truth about what's happening. If any of you open your eyes, If you really care, you would see what we're going through. I guess.." Stanley pauses for a moment.

"Indifference? Is a part of growing up." His father begins to intervene. This speech was going on for much longer than planned. "Stanley.." He warns. "Becoming an adult isn't about being able to vote or being able to drink or drive." Stanley continues.

Mr. Uris tried to grab the microphone, but Stanley pulls away. "Becoming an adult, according to the holy scripture of Derry," He walks down the steps of the platform, not being able to move on any further due to the mic wire. "Is learning not to give a shit." Stanley snaps, dropping the microphone and storming out, leaving his father and the other guests in shock.

Fleur slowly gets up, quickly following the boy out as Richie stands up, clapping slowly. His mother grabs him, pulling him down and leaving the boy disappointed.

"Stan!" Fleur calls out from behind the boy. "Stan, wait up!" Stanley stops walking, spinning around to face the girl, tears in his eyes. "Stan, what you said back there, that was awesome." She smiles sadly, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Yeah, I guess. But this birthday, is the worst. I wanna spend my time with friends! But you and Richie are the only people I still talk to! And I barley even speak to you!" His voice cracks.

"And instead of eating out, I'm in this dump wearing clothes that make me sweat like crazy, and this stupid hat that I only wear around my dad." He lashes out, grabbing his kippah and throwing onto the floor. "This religion is bullshit."

"Stan.. you know you don't mean that-" Fleur begins, but is cut off. "No, Fleur! You're just like everyone else! I'm not what everyone expects me to be,  and I never will be. Life isn't all sunshine a rainbows, and you know it. "This summer has been the worst ever. And no one made it better. Not a single soul." Stanley chokes out, causing a tear to roll down the blonde's cheek.

"I'm glad that's how you feel about me, Stan." She says, turning around, pausing for a moment, then walking off. "Oh, and by the way? Take me off the list of people you talk to." She adds, then leaves.

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