The Beginning |Chapter 1|

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"ugh.. my head" you mumble your eyes start to open up "Chara where are you?" no response "Chara..?" Still no one responded you sigh and stand up to look at your surroundings then to see what cushioned you... their were Red Flowers "These cushioned my fall? Weird" you started to walk towards the other patch of Red Flowers but then you see something on it and the thing started waking up and when it did it saw you and started saying something "h0I! I'm tEM..." your eyebrow raised the creature looked like a cat and a dog mixed together "tEM da tEMMIE!!!" "What's a temmie?" You think "u r new to da uNdaRGRoUN arent ya?" You nod in response "awawawa!" "Is that meant to be tems laugh" you think again "u must be so confuse! tEM wil teech ya how things work here!!!" tEM hasn't heard your voice yet so they try getting you to say something "are u readY?? tEM is ready!!!" "Yes I am ready tem" tEM's eyes widen "yaYA! LETS g0!!!" Everything turned black and white then you see a Orange heart tEM's eyes widen even more then continues what they were saying "see dat heart?" You nod "why is my heart out and when did hearts become that shape?" You think "dat us your s0UL... da very cULMINATION of ur being!!!" Your eyes widen "your s0UL is week at d beginning but can be strong if ya hav a lot of LV" you nod then you ask "what's LV tem?" "wats LV yu ask it's level...... oF LOVE!!!" You scrunch your eyebrows up "u want some LOVE, dont ya?" "dun worry... I will share some wiz ya!!!" "EH?!" Your eyebrows un scrunch and you see Tem winking "down here, LOVE is shared thru..." you start seeing white specks flying over Tem "little wite TEM FLAKES!!!" "u ready?" you nod noticing the 'Tem Flakes' moving "move around!! get all of dem!!!" you do so and when one hits you, you feel pain so much pain that could kill somebody after a few more hits. When you weren't noticing Tems face changed then they finally say something catching your attention back to Tem  "You are so stupid." your eyes widen "WHEN DID TEM EVEN LEARN TO SPEAK LIKE THAT a few minutes ago they were talking in gibberish" you think "Did you really fall for that silly actuation?" Your lips falter "It just takes a dumb imitation to catch you off guard? PATHETIC. In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED." you start to shake in fear you really thought you could trust Tem "How could ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!?" The white 'Tem Flakes' surrounds you "Die." "Am I about to Die" you say over and over again in your head like a loop you wait for something to hit you but it didn't when you opened your eyes there was a goat like person with a golden beard then it starts speaking "What a terrible creature, torturing such poor, innocent youth..." The goat like person says, you were still shaking because you were thinking he would hurt you too just like Tem once did "Do not worry, little human. You are safe now." He says reassuring you that he would not hurt you then he Introduced himself "I am Asgore, guardian of the Ruins. I come here everyday to see if someone has fallen down. It hasn't been very long since  the other human came here. Follow me! I will guide you through the Dungeons." you smile at Asgore "oh by the way I haven't got your name" "o-oh.. My names Y/n" "Y/n that's a good name for a good child" you feel a little heat coming up your cheeks showing that you were embarrassed Asgore noticed and he laughed "This way".

How's that for a chapter! Eh wink wink next chapter will be about le Ruins! Hope to see you again for the next Chapter bye my little mints!

How's that for a chapter! Eh wink wink next chapter will be about le Ruins! Hope to see you again for the next Chapter bye my little mints!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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(Yandere!Underswap!Frisk x Reader x Underswap!Chara)Where stories live. Discover now