It all begins

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Severus had just heard the news. Sitting in his apartment his face in his hands, crying, screaming in pain. His heart burst into a thousand pieces upon hearing the words. "Lily is dead" the words echoed inside him like in a black hole. It was the only thing he cared about in that very moment. His love, his Lily. His Lily that he had spoken to mere days earlier. HIS Lily at last. They had spoken about her leaving James and the baby. THE BABY! He suddenly remembered. The sorrow was overwhelming but in that moment he got a glimpse of hope. Could it be that his daughter had survived? He knew the boy, Harry, did. The hope overshadowed the sorrow as he apparated to Godric's Hollow where the house stood before him. The roof had come down into the house and the walls were shattered all over the street before his feet. The sight of the house made all hope disappear for a moment. How on earth could anyone survive that? Then again, Harry had. It seemed like Severus was the first at the scene. He knew he had to hurry before Dumbledore sent someone to get the boy. He was dizzy but he had to see for himself. As he entered the small hallway he looked up the stairs. James was laying halfway up, his back limp against the staircases. He was dead. Not that Severus cared about him. He was nothing but a bully and deserved to die. He walked up the stars. Taking a huge step over James' face to avoid stepping on it. Even though he did play with the thought for a moment he decided against it. When he reached the top of the stairs he heard it. The cries of a baby. He hurried towards the sound careful not to fall over the broken pieces of roof that were all over the floor. Once he reached the room the first thing he noticed was that the door was gone. Then he looked down and lost his balance. There she was, laying on the floor. Her face white from the lack of blood and her eyes empty. Her red beautiful hair didn't dance anymore. Her lips would never smile again. She was gone. He ignored the cries of the baby just feet away from his mother as he crawled over to Lily and held her face in his arms. She was so cold, the usually warm and nice Lily was too cold. He touched her belly and to his surprise something moved in there. For the second time in minutes he remembered the baby. Muttering the spell he saw Lily's belly open in front of him as if a sharp knife had just cut into it. He had a lump in his throat as he moved the skin away and his eyes met it's. The baby was alive. He gently removed it from it's mother's belly and noticed it was a girl. He had a daughter. Her eyes beautiful and brown but she was weak. It was way too early. Suddenly he heard sounds downstairs, they were here. Kissing Lily's lips one last time he healed her belly and apparated away with the baby.

It was nighttime at the hospital but he knew she needed help fast. Entering the hall he yelled out "anyone here?!" in a little too desperate voice for his own liking. Struggling with keeping calm he saw a woman rushing towards him. Suddenly the woman stopped just a few inches away from him staring at his hands. He looked down on them. They were covered in blood and in them were the reason he was here. "Her mother died. I came too late" tear welled up in his eyes as the healer took the baby and ran for a hospital bed. Clearly too in shock to use accio. Severus followed in her heels not sure if the baby would actually survive. If she did he would name her after Lily. It couldn't be too obvious though. Something like Lillian perhaps? Lillian would be perfect. A sudden flash of purple light dragged him out of his own thoughts. He hadn't noticed it was now several healers surrounding them. They wanted to know what had happened but he knew he couldn't tell them the truth. He knew within himself that the dark lord would come back. The fewer who knew who her mother was the safer she would be. Once the healers understood they wouldn't get answers anyways they focused on giving the baby strength.

The following days she grew and grew. What they were giving her he did not know. He hadn't left her side as much as a second after finding her. Knowing he had to tell Dumbledore anyways he had asked for their conversation to happen here. That way he could protect her if someone did know about her. The conversation with Dumbledore had seriously upset him so he was glad once Dumbledore finally left. A healer knocked on the door mere minutes later. "Mr Snape?" She asked with a soft voice. Looking up he held his tiny daughter's hand in his. "Will she make it?" He asked. The same question he had asked for days now but never gotten a reply to. "Yes" the healer replied. "That's why I am here...." the healer continued but he looked down in the little bed where his daughter was currently asleep. His heart filled with love and hope. She would live. The words echoed inside of him. His little Lillian would survive. An annoyed sound coming from the healer dragged him out of his thoughts. "Sorry" he quickly said. It was very out of character for him to apologise but this was one of the people that had saved his daughter. "As I was saying" the healer muttered "we would like for her to stay for another week just to make sure. After that she can go home" Severus nodded. "Thank you" he said with the warmest voice he knew. It was very creepy sounding but the healer must have understood what he was trying to do because she gave him a short smile and a nod before leaving.

The following week was rough. Finally being able to process Lily's death now that he knew Lillian was safe he started going into grieving. Grieving the life he almost had. Grieving Lily and his daughter that would grow up without a mom. He had decided to raise Lillian himself. Not being able to leave his little daughter with just anyone and all of his friends being death eaters it was the only option. He had to do it, another reason Dumbledore needed to know about her. Severus knew nothing about raising a child. What would he tell everyone? How would he hide her? Could he hide her? All questions he needed to figure out at a later time. For now he was grateful for his daughter and grieving her mother. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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