Awake at last

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     I questioned, looking at my hands and seeing another wire sticking out of my left hand. It took her a second to realize what I was asking but I wish it had taken longer. It was not the answer I wanted

"Five years, you've been in a coma for around five years"

     I could only stare at her as the answer started to register within me fully and I had a mini outburst once again. She didn't let it get too far because this time she put a hand to my mouth before I could scream.

"Please, you need water and something to eat, give your body a chance to recover"

     She quietly stated, removing her hand once she thought I wouldn't scream anymore. I looked back to her dumbfounded and then looked around the room some more.

     She sent another person out to get presumedly that and then dismissed the other people standing around. She pulled up a chair to sit next to the bed I was in and then started to explain somethings.

"After you crashed into the water tower and Jotaro had gone to fight Dio after seeing you, Joseph came to you and tried to stabilize you. He used Hamon to temporarily do so and then had to leave you with that flowing through your body."

     She said, she looked off to the side and then continued,

"When Dio was finally defeated we picked you up and were unsure of your status but deemed you dead for the moment. When Joseph then came too and was asked about what had happened to you he said that you were being kept stable by Hamon."

     She stoped and look at me very seriously,

"He told us that if we wanted you to live, to go find some donor organs fast."

    As she was about to continue, the first person who had left to get me food and water returned with such. There was some apple sauce, a protein shake, some water, and most importantly what looked like small cherry slices.

     The cherries most certainly excited me and I looked at them with glee as the person set the plate down on a side table. He nodded to the woman sitting next to me and the walked out the door. Leaving us in silence once again.

"Eat while I tell you the rest hun"

She gestured to the plate and helped me take it in my lap to start eating. After I had gotten a few bites of the apple sauce and some cherries she continued.

"We were able to find you some donor organs and after about two months of patching you up we waited. It was expected for you to in a coma for around six years so this is a small surprise."

She laughed a little and stoped to grab some water that the nurse had brought along with my meal. The cherries tasted good, so very good but the next thing she said left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Do you want to call anyone and inform them of your condition?"

I visibly jerked at that and she looked at me with worry.

"I'm sorry if that upset you but you don't have to... Although Joseph Joestar was already being updated on your progress so he will have to find out."

She told me, at least it wasn't Jotaro. Although I was worried at wether Mr. Joestar would be able to keep a secret like that from his grandson.

Considering he probably wants me dead

"Is.... is he the only one besides the nurses caring for me that know?"

I anxiously asked, trying my best to not have an episode. God I hope no one else knows, no one else should know.

"Yes, he is the only one, I'm assuming you would like to keep it that way?"

Airplane ModeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora