More than a..

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This here begins the unfolding of a beautiful yet gentle love of two princes.

--.--.--.--.Order of Heroes.--.--.--.--

  Alfonse slowly made his way through the halls of the castle, carrying two books back to his own room. He greeted Marth softly before pushing his door open with his back and walking in. He yawned softly as he sat the books down on his desk placed in the corner of his room. He looked out the window before going to light a candle that sat on his desk. He turned the other way and went to change. He gently stripped from his gear and sat it to the side before sliding on a baggy nightshirt on along with nightshorts. He yawned softly before moving to his desk and pulling out the chair. He slowly sat down and moved himself in before opening the top book gently. He slowly began to read.

    Earlier that day he had asked for recommendations of books to  read. That was when Dimitri offered up a book he had with him. He told him that a few friends of his loved the book, so Alfonse thought he would love the book also and accepted it promising he'll return it after he was done with it with a smile. The other book was a recommendation from Conrad. Conrad had read the book a few days before saying that he loved it when he was a child and had to reread it. Alfonse laughed softly as he nodded agreeing that would read the book as soon as he could.

     Alfonse then heard a gentle knock on the door. He jumped lightly then turned around. "You may come in." He said before standing from his desk. The door slowly opened to reveal soft brighter blue hair compared to Alfonse adorned with a colder tiara placed upon the person's head. The other smiled softly and shyly. The male gently closed the door behind him as he looked up. It was Marth, the person whom Alfonse had greeted not even an hour ago. Alfonse gasped softly. "Oh! Greetings, Marth." He said with a smile. Marth nodded gently and walked over to him. Marth rubbed his own arm gently. "Prince Alfonse..there is something I need to confess.." Alfonse slowly nodded as he moved to sit on the side of his large bed. "Alright..what is it?" He asked as he pat the place next to him for Marth to sit down. Marth blushed softly as he sat next to him. "Thank you.." He said quietly. He started to mess with his clothing softly. "But thought things I need to get off my chest is that...I grew to like grew to love more than just a friend or a best more.." He said softly as his cheeks flushed to a bright red. Alfonse gasped softly as he felt his cheeks warm up greatly. "Marth...I.." He said softly. He was never great with words and so, he gently leaned to him and slowly and softly locked his own lips, with the other prince's. Marth's eyes widened as he felt the lips. He slowly tangled his hands onto the other boy's hair. He smiled happily into the kiss as he slowly began to fall back. Alfonse smiled in the kiss and slowly moved on top of the other. The two slowly pulled away for air. They panted softly. Marth laughed softly. "I guess I know my answer." he said with a smile. Alfonse chuckled and nodded. "Of course." marth leaned to the side to look at Alfonse's desk. "What about your books?" Alfonse gently leaned down to kiss Marth's neck. "I could care less about them right now." He said softly. Marth felt his cheeks flushed red once again. "O-Oh.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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