Chapter 2- Annabeth

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When I hit the ground I was thinking about how I thought that it would hurt a lot more than it did.

"Wait I thought, Percy!!!!"
I quickly rolled of the what I was laying on and realized with regret that it was Percy.

"Percy!!" I screamed. Could you honestly blame me though.
The worst part was that he was conscious.

"Please be okay," I begged.

"It hurts so, so bad" Percy whispered .

" I know." "It's going to be okay."
I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Percy, I needs to inspect your injuries.

"oka-a-y" he stuttered.

I lifted up the front of his shirt. His chest wasn't injured, though I didn't think that it would be since he landed on his back. I looked down to his legs. It was a bad sight to see. One of his legs was bent at the wrong angle.

Hearing a snore I jumped but realized that it was just Percy who apparently fell asleep. Perfect. I grabbed his leg and almost cried as I set it in place. Percy screamed but stayed asleep. I noticed that his arm was broken as well, thankfully not his sword arm.

I turned him over on his back as gently as possible. I lifted the back of his shirt and had to stifle a scream. His back was a mixture of green, blue, black and purple bruises and was covered in blood.
"Please be okay please!!!!" I screamed. "I love you so so much!!!!
I couldn't believe this. I hated the gods. Percy was so kind to everyone, besides maybe Ares and Hades, but still. Percy has saved Olympus more than once and this is how he is repaid. By falling into a pit of dead creatures and monsters beyond imagining. I wished so hard so many times that Percy's fatal flaw wasn't loyalty, though I know that if it weren't a lot of people would have died because Percy wouldn't be there to save them.

I lifted up Percy's head and placed it gently on my lap. Now that I had sat down I realized that I was more injured than I had originally thought. My broken ankle throbbed and I was almost positive that I had broken my collarbone. But I was more worried about Percy. I hated this, it wasn't fair, no-one deserved this, not even Smelly Gabe.

"Well" I thought, "I may have to reconsider."

Now that I had some time to kill I decided to look at my surroundings.
I looked to my left and saw a deep hill sloping downwards. To my right I saw a mountain of beach ball sized rocks. I looked behind me and saw flat land and in front of me I saw a dark and scary forest. I would talk to Percy later to see which way he wanted to go.

In the meantime I saw a stick poking out from the forest in front of me. I grabbed and started searching for more on the outline of the forest because I didn't want to take the chances of meeting a monster in there where there would be many places to hide from me.
After I collected a bunch of thin yet sturdy sticks and logs, I went back to Percy relieved to find that he was safe and stirring. I sat by him anxious for Percy to wake up. When he finally did his first words were I love you.

"I love you too," I replied. "Now I'm going to try to make a make-shift cast for you to make it easier to walk." I explained.

"But what about you, you have a broken ankle!"

"It's not even really broken anymore, besides, your even more weak with your broken arm and your back."

"I can walk just fine," Percy tried to defend himself.

"Then walk around me in a circle," I ordered.

Percy stood up and as soon as he put weight on his broken leg he fell to the ground. I was very surprised to see him crying. This is worse than I thought. Looking at Percy's leg I realized that his leg was completely shattered.

I grabbed two of the flatter sticks that I had found and was planning on tying them together with the string from my backpack when I realized that I lost it somewhere during the fall.

"Wait," I thought, "What's that?"

When I got over to the blue lump that I had saw on the ground I realized that it was my backpack!!!!

I quickly brought the backpack to Percy's side and rummaged through it. I found the string, a water bottle, and some ambrosia and nectar. I also found the broken remains of Daedalus' laptop. I kept it I'm hope that Leo could fix it when we saw him again.

Getting back to the task at hand, I tied the two flatter pieces of wood again and tied them together so that they were going vertically up Percy's leg. That should help to keep the bone I'm place more.

"Or what's left of the bone," I thought glumly.

I then grabbed two of the taller sticks and looked for my dagger so that I could cut them, but it was no-where to be seen.

Suddenly something sharp landed on the ground next to me. It was her dagger that Luke had given me when I was seven. On it was a note that said to tell Percy that he loved him and that he was his favorite son. The last line gave it away that it was Poseidon.

"Thank you" I thought. I knew that it must have taken him a lot of energy to do that and I was very thankful.

I took my dagger and went to Percy with it. He had fallen unconscious again. I measured the tall sticks up to his armpits and tried my best to crudely carve them so that they kind of sort of resembled crutches. I then tried them out myself and thought that I did pretty good for only using four sticks, a dagger and string to make a cast and crutches.

"Wait," I thought, "If I set Percy's leg in place before, I wouldn't have been able to do that if it had been shattered." I looked at Percy's broken arm and realized that it was shattered as well. His back was worse than before as well.

Then I realized, instead of our injuries healing overtime, they just got worse.


I hoped that you guys liked it!!!! Again, please vote and comment! Are my chapters long enough, should I continue this story?

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