Just the begin

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 June 18th 2014, the day I arrive to U.N.S. head quarters in Washington state, U.S .  (Seattle).  Already it's raining , I have to admit though the looks more beautiful then the blazing hot sun. Wrapping my arm's around my torso I began walking to the nearest nest of cabs . In this city it seems like you don't have to walk too far.  After wailing my arms around for a good minute I got a cab with a odd looking man in it. The man step out of the cab wearing rainbow socks and a bandage on each finger. " May I take you're bag's miss"  .    Nodding I let him  take my bags while I get in the cab. The smell of plastic welcomes me. reminds me of home  and I don't like it.

~ weird awkward cab ride~

 "welcome Miss. white we are please to hear that you accepted our offered to become a investigator here at U.N.S "  Head lead victor said as I approach him.  He smiled bright but you can tell it was fake judge by the way his eyes play boredom and sass. " mm I see you doubt me.  Well I sure you that I will have no trouble on the this case of yours that not even you can solve" smiling a bit I Passed him towards the dorm rooms .  I have requested a rather large room due to the fact that I will be doing most work in there but now I.... I don't really need one.  What would be that point of one if I'm on the field  half the time. Maybe I wanted one just to be superior... Yeah that must be it. Footsteps soon wake me up from my dream. glancing at the end of the hall I see a female ,short, bad , brown eyes,  right handed due to the fact to put all her bracelets on the left ( not always the cause may I add) , pencil skirt  and heels that would drive you mad. "OH MY GOSH YOU MUST BE LILLA WHITE ! BIG FAN " she screams in my face shaking my hands with lot more force then needed. " I'm savanna team spirt captain  and omg you're so beautiful what kind of eyeliner do you use?" well I know why she is the team spirt. " hello um thanks I use.... eyeliner?  please excuse me savanna I must rest now , big day tomorrow"  She nod and began goodbyes... I just nod due to the fact that I'm only here for 3 months to solve 1 case and I'm leaving back to London . 'room 203'  Finally peace and sleep!! I need sleep. Opening my room I see medium size space, a pink bed, two desk, laptop with microphone and video and of course a kitchen (the best part if you ask me). Heading to the kitchen straight away I gawd at cookies that await me.   Hidden in the cookies were a note  - welcome Miss white I live just next door and wanted to give you a welcome present. If you need anything you know where I ~ tyler -

  Tyler I will be thanking you later but for now I need to sleep. 

 -pov of  victor-

" Lilla white, age 21, From London, family are have all die due to a fire years ago in 2001, Lilla high school score was absolute perfect, She has depression, seizure's, and anxiety . She was able to go to college since  8th grade maybe even be 5th grade. 5th grade and 6th weren't recorded due to that fact she wasn't even being train.." I look at the sheet over again. What the hell she is a totally genius will I let her know? nope Not if my life depended on it. "She even breaks you're record victor " tyler starts snickering. Slamming my fist into the table  , I wont let a girl steal my thunder "shut up ". " Victor  you need to calm your tits, She is the right person for this job and you don't even like boy bands. " tyler said sighing as he kick his feet on my beautiful table. It is true I hate boy bands but I need the power .

 Lila - http://weheartit.com/entry/87724065




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