Tamaki Suo x Reader

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Prancing around like the fool he was, Tamaki extended the bag out to you. “My charming lady, would you please pick an item for me?”

You blushed and stuck your hand deep into the bag. Taking hold of what felt like a stuffed animal, you chose Beary. Tamaki squealed in delight and grabbed both you and Beary tightly into a hug.

“I’m up first!” Pulling you by the hand, Tamaki dragged you into the closet and Hunny locked the door behind you.

The room outside became very quiet; all were near the door, waiting to hear what was going on behind it. Standing in the dark, you shifted around and found a spot for yourself and stayed there. Tamaki was not moving from his area near the front of the door; you could tell there was someone else he wanted to be in here with. Coughing lightly, you made him jump.

“So what do you like about being a host?” you asked, trying to find something to do until the time was up.

That seemed to make Tamaki remember why you were in there for some unknown reason. He turned to face you and took your hand. “I’m sorry for you having to try to start a conversation. We do only have seven minutes in here and I am afraid I have wasted a few of them. Please allow me to make up for them.” Cupping your face, his lips pressed against yours lightly, almost like a butterfly kiss.

Your entire body shook, and he pulled you into his arms. He continued to only go this far, but you didn’t care. You were near him and that’s all that you could think of. Giggling could be heard outside; someone was making a bet on whether Tamaki would even allow you to kiss him or not. Running his fingers gingerly through your hair, he breathed in the scent of you.

“My dear, you are wonderful, and you smell of roses.” He breathed in your scent.

Shivers ran down your spine. Everything he was doing was delighting you; it ended with the door flying open and the twins in unison ‘oo’ing.

“Looks like someone couldn’t stay away from one of his fans.” Hikaru and Kaoru smiled menacingly.

A horrified expression crossed over Tamaki’s face. “No guys, it’s not what you think! I was just going along with what the rules were!” He waved his hands frantically in the air. Throwing himself out, he latched himself to Haruhi’s legs. “Daddy didn’t do anything, I promise! Don’t listen to those crazy loons! I would never hurt you!”

You were left alone in the closet, struck dumb. Hikaru and Kaoru guided you out and sat you back in your seat. With Tamaki’s wails in the background, Kyoya appeared before you and presented you with a book. “Please accept our apologies along with this autographed copy of Tamaki’s photo book. And there is no need to worry about price, we’ll charge you a tab.”

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