The Yule ball

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Harry was hanging out with draco most of the time snow was falling thickly upon the castle and it's grounds now the pale blue beauxbatons carriage looked like a large chilly frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was hagrid's cabin while the durmstrang ship's potholes were glazed with ice the rigging white with frost the house elves down in the kitchens were out doing themselves with a series of rich warming stews and savory puddings and only fleur delacour seemed to find anything to complain about it is too 'eavy all zis 'ogwarts food they heard her saying as they left the great hall one evening I will not fit into my dress robes Harry caught cho's eye she was giggling draco whispered in harry's ear your drooling what he yell whispered just kidding and Harry punched him on the shoulder 

Harry awoke on Christmas day he got up and went to his presents he threw his pillow at draco it hit him square in the face draco got up and ripped up his presents Harry looked at his he got some Quidditch themed socks and the usual sweets he got a penknife with attachments unlock any lock and undo any knot from sirius draco's parents also sent him very expensive looking dress robes  Harry and draco went down to breakfast they spent most of the morning hanging out then they returned to the great hall for a magnificent lunch which included at least a hundred turkeys and Christmas puddings then the slytherins had a snowball fight with the Gryffindors Harry enchanted as many snowballs as he could to hit the Gryffindors and chase then if they tried to dodge when the Gryffindors were being chase by a boulder sized snowball Harry and draco went back to the common room when they were in there dress robes they went down to the great hall draco found pansy Harry went when he saw cho she was wearing silver east Asian style dress robes he said you look gorgeous she went slightly pink  I am not kidding cho said well you don't look so bad yourself they walked to the great hall arm and arm they saw the head of Gryffindor house say champions over here Harry and cho waited until everyone was inside the great hall when everyone was inside the champions walked in harry walked in arm in arm with cho he sat next to albus Dumbledore Harry heard him talking but he didn't take his eyes off cho when all the food had been eaten Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same and everyone started dancing suddenly Harry got cho and he was the best dancer he spun cho and did the fall thing everyone just started watching him from the look on cho's face she was shocked herself until Harry whispered in her ear I didn't need dance lessons I just wanted to spend time with you they sat down draco had the nerve to say hey guess what you were his first and only choice he was smitten with you when he first saw you when the started dancing again cho looked at him with a sly smile and said your friend draco said that you were smitten with little old me why do you like me Harry stuttered at this w we wel well y yo you your r re rea real reall really pretty he stuttered so much cho giggled at little and she closed her eyes and kissed him Harry thought giddly we're kissing Harry kissed her back the only thought going through his head is her name cho Chang he put one hand in her hair and one on her back a meteor could have struck the earth and wiped out all life and harry wouldn't have cared they kissed for awhile until they needed air Harry looked at cho with love cho was slightly pink she said see you and she kissed him on the cheek they went to their common rooms 

All of cho's friends were squealing after they found out cho had kissed Harry potter  cho had her head in her hands slightly pink cho said she was going to bed she went to the ravenclaw girls dormitory  

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