Part 2

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The cash depot, the safe, the smell of all that money just waiting for us. Then the hostages...
Some twat of a guard grabs Michael as we leave the safe, trying to play the hero as he ripped Michael’s balaclava off, but not for long....
My heart leapt into my throat, one false move and I could hit Michael and not the guard. Thankfully I hit the guard straight in the head, causing Michael to freak out slightly. I tried not to laugh as we ran through to the doors, sirens blaring on the opposite side. My heart was hammering in my chest as I glanced at Michael and then outside.
The police ready for the fight that we all knew was coming.

Shot after shot rang out as we raced through the courtyard and up the road, past a barn and into the getaway vehicle. The driver was waiting to go as we all bundled in, laughing about what had happened.

The police followed us down the road, I smashed the window next to me and started firing. Suddenly the car swerves, the driver slumped forward – dead.
Michael swore, and shoved him out the door, taking over the driving. He nudged the cop car into a tree and sped off.
“They ain’t gonna recognise this car cause they ain’t clocked it yet"
Michael told us.
I sighed a little, knowing we at least had a slight chance. Like I said, I had a good feeling about this, even when we swerved to avoid the road block I felt good.
It was when the back of the car was clipped that I started to have my doubts.
All three of us stumbled out the car, dazed but able to walk. I looked at Michael, making sure that he was ok. He wasn’t, blood trickled down his face from cuts on his face. I tried not to panic,
“Just ditch the car!! We can get to the chopper this way!!”
“No!! We stick to the plan!!”
I could see the frustration in his eyes as we argued – that’s when the first shot echoed around the farm that we had stumbled into. Brad fell to the floor, causing me to duck behind a bin. Michael knelt down checking on Brad when the second shot rang out and my world shattered.
Michael was hit!!
He screamed out, clutching his chest.
“Shit – I’m bleeding out!!”
I wanted to run to him, to hold him and tell him he’d be ok. Who the fuck had ratted us out to the feds?
“You gotta get outta here T!!”
I stared at him, trying to fight back tears as I shouted at him that I wasn’t  going to leave him. How could I?
“Go T, I’m not gonna make it"
Police cars began to fill the farm yard and I screamed out in sheer frustration and pain – shooting every fucking cop that poked there head out. Soon there was too many to deal with on my own, like a coward, I took one last look at Michael, I didn’t know if he was still alive, tears were blocking my vision as I turned and ran.
I ran and ran as the police chased me, bullets flying past my head. When I was far enough away I fell, bursting into tears.
My Love, My Life was gone.
My whole body shook.....

“Trevor!! Trevor!!”
“Mickey? Mickey?”
I whispered.
I’ll be with you soon.

I opened my eyes to see Ron staring at me, Wade behind him, fear etched into there faces. I felt tired.
I managed to whisper,
“What happened?”
“You were o.d'ing man. We should get you to the hospital"
I shook my head, telling them I didn’t want to. What I didn’t tell them was that I had wanted to go – I wanted to be with Michael. Be whole again.

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