thirteen • what's up danger

Start from the beginning

The plan was working. Carnage saw her.

He was following her now.

Below the city, Miles was running. Running through the sewers trying to locate the explosive. It was such a widespread area that there's no telling where it could be. All he knew it had to be in this general area but even that wasn't confirmed. To be on the safe side in case there were guards or something he went invisible. He had been searching for about ten minutes when he heard something ticking. He got closer to the sound which got louder the closer he got.

He took out two guards that were by the entrance. The explosive was in a room that had been formed by digging and tunneling. There were two more guards in the room that were knocked out as well. Miles went out of invisibility and stared at the explosive.

The timer was at five minutes.

Cindy was doing her job up above. She lead Carnage on a chase through the city where she got him far enough away to give Miles time to find it and deactivate it. It didn't last very long though. At first Carnage thought she would lead him to Spider-Man but eventually he gave us. Cindy realized Carnage wasn't following her anymore she panicked.

Miles webbed the explosive as much as he could. Standing back, he let electricity flow through his hands. It traveled up through the webs and came in contact with the explosive device.

It didn't do anything.

Miles didn't know what to do. He tried again but still nothing. He heard something big drop down into the water near him so he went invisible. Carnage came into the room and Miles was in the corner.

"Spider-Man? Did he do this?"

Miles couldn't run anymore. He couldn't hide. This had to be the last battle. It had been going on for too long because he was scared of what Carnage was capable of. Coming out of invisibility, Miles spoke.

"Who else?"

Carnage immediately turned around. "How? How did you get in here?"

"I have my ways."

"Was that your friend up there? A shame what happened to her."

Miles was taken back for a second. He didn't know if he was just trying to mess with his head or meant what he said. It was obviously a trick to get in his head. Cindy had to be okay. He had to focus.

"She obviously fooled you. Distracted you long enough so I could find this."

"This is none of your concern."

Timer at four minutes.

"Your little friend ratted you out. Gave away that you had something planned. It lead me to here. You trust the wrong people."

Carnage was furious. "And I'm about to make sure you never make it out."

Carnage charged Spider-Man but he went invisible and ducked out of the way. He picked up a broken pipe that was laying on the ground and bashed it against Carnage's head. He yelled out, the sound echoing, and grabbed Spider-Man. He threw him out of the room. Miles was thrown against the hard brick wall. He fell to the ground, weakened momentarily.

"You're weak. You're nothing compared to me!"

Carnage picked him up again and threw him even further away. This time his back was thrown against a large pipe. His head was spinning with pain. He went invisible again. Taking deep breaths, ignoring the pain all over his body, he snuck back up on Carnage who was back in the room. Taking the same pipe he just had, he bashed it against his head again. He webbed him several times and slung him against the wall.

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