Deku Jackson another terrible day

Comenzar desde el principio

Izuku: Wait so Aizawa-sensei is a god in this world?

Dylan: Yep in this world the gods are; Nezu (Zeus), Mic (Apollo), Endeavor (Hades), All Might (Poseidon), Aizawa (Dionysus), Power Loader (Hephaestus), Recovery Girl (Athena), Hawks (Hermes), Midnight (Hera), Ms. Jokes (Demeter), Sir Nighteye (Ares), Pixie-bob (Aphrodite) and Mandalay (Artemis)

(It was really hard choosing hero for the Greek gods but I tried my best)

Izuku: Wow so cool

Dylan: Lets get back to this world

Aizawa: The Gods are real. Yippy skippy. Ah, Ibara Shiozaki. I see you've injured your arm

Shiozaki: I fell off a Pegasus

Aizawa: You don't have flying lessons on Thursday, you have archery!!!!

Shiozaki: Those arrows are made of wood! Wood comes from trees! I refuse to participate in any activity that encourages the senseless slaughter of our arboreal friends

Izuku was looking at the girl with a look that said "What the hell?" as Aizawa was reaching his limit with this girls argument

Aizawa: Oh Gods, give me Ares or Apollo, anyone but the Demeter kids cabin. Now that you've blessed us go talk to Hephaestus before I take a knife to my head and start stabbing and stay away from the Pegasi, girls and ponies......Ah, speaking of ponies

Grand Torino: Izuku!!!!

Izuku turns to see his old mentor sitting in his wheel-chair right behind him

Izuku: Look Grand Torino your in this world to

Grand Torino: Yeah and it looks like I lost the use of my legs as well

Dylan: Not really you'll see what I mean soon

With that everyone turned their attention back to the screen

Izuku: Mr. Torino (That is his real last name believe it or not)! What are you doing here? This guy is saying all this crazy stuff about nymphs and Gods and....... What is going on?

Grand Torino: It's......Complicated

Mr. Aizawa approaches Izuku from behind and places a hand on his shoulder making Izuku look up at him

Aizawa: Oh, kid you have no idea, about this place or your former mentor. I don't have time to fill you in on the details but look, he's also a Centaur Gods!!!!

Izuku turned to look at his former mentor only to see him standing on his legs all four of them he had the lower half of a horse which scared Izuku

Grand Torino: I did mean to tell you

Izuku: I didn't see that one coming

Shoto: Wait how was he able to sit in that chair?

Dylan: A spell was placed on it so he could watch over Izuku in the normal world

Grand Torino: Well it is surprising that I'm half horse

Dylan: Yeah but your in charge of the camp since Aizawa is always slacking off on the job

Nezu: So nothing new then?

At this everyone started to laugh even Mr. Aizawa let out a little chuckle at this

Dylan: Well it's not done yet

Everyone turned back to the screen as the world continued

(In the brackets are what Izuku says in this one)

Aizawa: Another terrible day (Mr. Torino!!!!) at Camp Half-Blood (Your a horse?!?!) where everything's the worst (What is happening?!?!). Another terrible day, you can hate it here but I hated it first. Just another terrible day stuck with these runts in the muck and mud. Just another terrible day!!!! Oh Gods!!!! I need a drink

Izuku was still freaking out about his former mentor was part horse as Aizawa was sitting behind a desk and held up his fingers and clicked as a shirt appeared above Izuku's head and fell on him

Aizawa: Enjoy your stay at Camp Half-Blood

With that the screen went black and everyone was silent for a bit before Mic turned to Aizawa

Mic: You really don't like to work more than you have to do you?

Aizawa: Nope

Dylan: Okay who is ready for the next one?

Everyone: We are!!!!

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