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"She seems to be reacting slower than usual, maybe delayed shock,"

My eyelids were wrenched open, a white haired man proceeded to shine a single red light into both eyes. Suddenly, a wave of emotion hit me. I wanted to scream, gouge my eyes out, anything to stop this feeling protruding into my head, cleaving my skull with immense fear.

Then it stopped. I could open my eyes.

"Ah Samantha, so every glad your back with us hmm?" The white haired man looked down at me with a impassive grin on his face. His grey eyes stared directly into mine, almost hungrily.

I sat up slowly and surveyed the room. Actually it wasn't a room, it was more like an old aircraft hanger. There were at least 400 beds inside, each occupied by other humans. Humans who I guessed, due to their looks of retreating terror, had been through the same treatment as me. The old thing was that each and every bed was attended by the exact same person: the white haired man.

"Who are you?" I croaked, the words seemed to be wrenched from my throat.

"I am your helper Samantha," The white haired man said, "Here to help and all that, hmm? Well, you seem to have responded well to the trauma. I expect nothing will scare you after that particular episode, hmm? Well, I shall see you next week Samantha. Sleep tight,"

And the world collapsed once more.

I awoke to find my self waiting in the white room for the first time. It felt tranquil and smoothing in the bright light, whilst I was waiting I surveyed the room. I seemed to be sat on a fuffy white arm chair opposite a large blank screen. Strange, it seemed to be the complete antithesis of the clowns lair.

The screen directly in front of me flickered. There was the clown. Grinning and waving. I winced at the sight of it. But it couldn't hurt me now, I was safe here in the white room.

"Hello there Samantha," came a voice behind me.

"Hello Controller Walker," I replied kindly.

He walked in front of the screen displaying the clown. Controller Walker stood 7 foot tall, his eyes were a dazzling shade of jade green and his violet hair delicately framed his chiseled jaw. He looked just as mystical as he did in the advertisements, he seemed to radiate a certain power from his very being.

"So you've met our little friend then," He asked, turning to look at the clown.

"Yes Sir, he was.." I searched for a word "Petrifying,"

"Good," Smiled Controller Walker "Your brain scans concluded that a clown would most likely scare you. It has not been one of our most unusual phobias, not by a long shot, but it is strange never the less. A clown, its purpose to entertain children. Well it ends up doing quite the opposite doesn't it? Anyway I think you shall experience at least two more interactions with the clown to ensure you are fear-proof,"

"At least two more?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach "Please Sir, I... Don't think I could go through that again. You see, I only came here as my brother Kent wanted to become fearless. I just need to see him Sir, he's only 13. He wants to join the paranormal division and needs to face his one phobia to become immune to fear completely. I said I'd come with him too, I'm the only one left since... Well, since the uprising"

At that precise point, Controller Walkers eyes glowed red. His hair flayed around his face as he sprang towards me and forced my head up to stare into those burning crimson holes.

"YOU WILL GO THROUGH WITH THIS TRAINING SAMANTHA GRIMM, YOU HAVE SIGNED THE WAVER AND YOU WILL BECOME FEARLESS. IT HAS BEEN CHOSEN," His voice had changed into the clowns ringing high pitched voice, I couldn't take it- the fear leapt upon me, I was being transported to its dwelling once more. I wouldn't let it happen this time. Not now.

I gouged his eyes hard with my bare fingertips, producing a splattering of blood. He recoiled in pain, I followed, kicking him into a corner and then launching myself at his throat.

"Where... is... Kent?" I panted, keeping my hands pressed hard on his throat. "Tell me, TELL ME SIR OR I SWEAR.."

Controller Walker merely laughed, he sunk into the floorboards beneath us and my hands grasped thin air. Yet I heard heavy breathing from behind me, it rattled and shook. That awful chuckle rang in my ears, I turned slowly- expecting the worst.

There it stood, drenched in blood and supporting a body that was ripped in two. Entrails dripped onto the floor as the clown emptied the body. It discarded the legs and turned the torso round to face me.

The lifeless ripped face of Kent Grimm stared at me with pitiful intent.

"He ain't going to be seeing anyone for a long time Captain Sam," It grimaced.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2012 ⏰

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