Hunter: Ahh ok

Alexa: Hey Xandie

Hunter chuckles and by chance Vince heard the name too snickered.

Xander: You know I hated it when you said that in public right?

Alexa: I know, that's why I do it.

Xander notices Sasha glaring daggers at Lexi but shrugs it off as he was about to go out.


Corbin: I am tired of being over looked and I'm your KING!. And you know what you people are responsible for this!

Crowd: What?

Corbin: You people just want whats the next hot thing and ignore me! I deserve to be in the spotlight not that New Japan reject that debuted in the Rumble?

Crowd: What?

Corbin: Quit yelling what! That's been irrelevant just like your Orlando Magic team since Dwight ditched y'all for LA. Now...

Crowd pops off as Xander walks out and into the ring.

Corbin: What are you doing here?

Xander: I'm tired of hearing a fake king bitching and moaning and then call me a reject.

Corbin: Fake king? I won the King of the Ring!

Xander: What you accomplished in your career, I did in half a year in Japan!

Corbin tries to cheap shot him, but Xander counters with a chop block.
He then he picks him up for a brain buster, but Corbin escapes his grasp.
Xander picks up his scepter

Corbin: Don't you dare!

Xander: Dare what?!?

Corbin: Don't...

As he said that Xander smashes the scepter to the delight of the crowd.


Corey: How dare he destroy King Corbin's scepter!!!

Pat: He deserves it! He's not reject. That man is legit!


Hunter: Good job guys!

Xander: Thanks boss.

Corbin: That was a good chop block.

Xander: Thanks! Been a while since I did that.

Hunter: Alexa! Sasha! You're up!

Xander: Good luck.

Alexa: Thanks!

Alexa gives him a hug and a smile.
The women get ready and Sasha goes out and then Alexa.
Xander sits in the gorilla to watch his best friend's match.

It started out normal, headlock, taunting, and back and forth blows between the women.

Towards the end of the match

Corey: Alexa sets up the spoight stealer for a DDT!

Renee: wait Sahsa counters it and super kicks Alexa in the face!

Pat: It looks like Alexa is bleeding from her mouth!

In the ring

Ref: Alexa you ok?

Alexa: Yeah, it's just a busted lip.

Announce table (trying to sell this as a storyline)

Corey: Thats a disgrace! She can't stand that Alexa took her spotlight!

Pat: Look! Sasha is picking up Alexa.

Renee: Alexa counters it with a small package!

Bell Rings!

Announcer: Your winner! Alexa Bliss!

Gorilla after the match

Hunter: What was that?!?

Sasha: She botched that super kick!

Alexa: You fucking bitch it was supposed to be a kick to the gut!!!!

Sasha: Just stop talking to me you loser.

Alexa: You...

At that point Xander pulled Lexi away and had her sit down with the doctors.

Vince: Alright everyone calm down before I suspend and fine both of you for annoying me!

Sasha walks out angry and Hunter walks over to Lexi.

Hunter: Relax and we'll form a storyline from this ok?

Alexa: That sounds fine.

Xander: I'll walk you to your locker room

Alexa: Thank you.

At Lexi's house an hour later

Angela and Bob were alseep already so it was the two friends left awake.

Xander: So, what's the deal with you and Sasha?

Alexa: We got into it in NXT when we were coming up and since then she and I didn't get along that well.

Xander: Have y'all tried to resolve it?

Alexa: No we'd always get into arguments.  Hey can we change the topic?

Xander: Um, I might buy a second house here just to make traveling a bit easier.

Alexa: Really? That would be awesome!

Xander: Yeah, there's a house nearby that I'm eyeing at. But I'm like one of 10 whose interested in the house.

Alexa: Hey if you don't get it you can still crash at my place for the east coast trips. That's if you want to.

Xander: Hm, I'd like that. Plus, it would give us time to catch up more.

Alexa: Speaking of catching up...

Xander: Tradition?

Alexa's reply was running to the kitchen, grabbing some snacks, and sitting back down with a huge smile.

Xander: I guess that answers my question.

The two watched Monsters, Inc. and fell asleep on the couch.

Blissed Reunion [Alexa Bliss X OC] [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang