"You Ready boo?" He asked putting his seat belt on.

"You wearing a seat belt now?" I asked him since he never wore one.

"Yeah.. I started after the accident" He told me looking at me and I nodded, Once everything was clear we pulled off going home finally. I didn't know how I felt about going home just yet I was just glad I was able to leave that hospital, I didn't know what was to come once I arrived home.

After a half an hour of driving I noticed that we weren't going to either my house or his house.

"Dave?" I called out his name.

"Uh.. yeah" He looked at me, he must of been thinking why I just called him Dave.

"Where we going?" I asked him.

"You will see" He told me giving me a light smile and I sat back until we arrived, I decided to stay up for the rest of the ride to see where he was taken me hopefully no where with people I just wanted to lay down in my bed and sleep.

As we were driving he pulled into this gated community, the security let him through after he gave him his name and we drove in riding pass all these big beautiful houses. A few drives pass we stopped in front of this house that sat by it self as I looked up at it I admired how beautiful it was.

"You ready?" He asked me and I nodded my head yes.

"Let me get your jacket it's cold" He told me jumping out the car running around to my side. He opened my side door and helped me out putting my coat on me, he shut my door back and locked his car and grabbed my hand to walk up to the house.

"Who house we at?" I asked him once we reached the door.

"Ours" He told me and my eyes got big I totally forgot about that, how could I.

"I'm sorry I forgot.." I told him making a sad face and putting my head down.

"Hey.. it's okay.. don't beat yourself up about it.. come on let's take a look I wanted to wait until you was up and out the hospital to move in" He told me grabbing my hand as he put the key in to unlock the front door.

Soon as he opened the door "welcome home" was yelled making me jump into David chest putting my face deep into him as I could it scared me, I wasn't ready for company I wasn't ready for anything.

After I found out about my baby I stopped all visits at the hospital I definitely didn't want anyone here and right now. I started crying and David wrapped his arm around me hugging me.

"Babe you Aight I thought—"

"I don't wanna be around anyone" I told him.

"Sis you Aight" Marcus said coming up towards me about to touch me but I jumped i don't know why but I did.

"Baby I told you this might be too soon" I heard his grandmother say, I finally got out his arms and went to find the steps not looking back at anybody.

"Babe I'm sorry" David said the sweetest as he could be I just wasn't up for nothing at the moment, I felt empty coming here I was suppose to be coming home with my baby but instead I wasn't that killed me. I wished I knew who hit me I'll kill them with my bare hands knowing how they damaged my life, bad enough the cops didn't know shit they couldn't even tell me shit but they didn't have any leads yet which put me more into a darker place.

Me and David brought this house because we were starting a family our unborn was suppose to grow up in this beautiful home now it will only feel cold and empty.

As I reached the top of the stairs I decided to take a look around the house checking the different rooms out as they did whatever they did downstairs, the house was fully furnished it was really beautiful. I opened the first door seeing that this the only one that was closed and decided to go in but only regretted it once I entered, I saw a beautiful crib nicely painted room with beautiful rugs. I knew this was the baby room even though it didn't have any color indicating if it was a boy or girl, I remembered telling David I didn't want a boy or girl color I wanted his or her room to be neutral the room was exactly how I wanted which made me tear up even more.

I finally took a step into the room walking over towards the empty crib, I looked down looking inside seeing nothing and felt my tears come harder than ever. This was breaking me, I went from feeling my baby growing, body stretching to only feel nothing at all.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry" I repeated over and over crying harder. I started to blame myself thinking if it wasn't for me my baby will still be here.

"I sent everyone home—" I heard David say as I cried holding on to the crib still with my head down, He rushed to my side holding me from behind.

"It's okay baby" He told me grabbing my hands turning me around to cry in his chest.

"I knew I'll find you in here.. I love you.. I love you so much" He told me starting to cry too.

"But it's not your fault.. we can try again I promise" He told me and I cried harder breaking down to the point I couldn't feel my knees I became weak.

"No!!" I yelled. The both of us ended up on the floor crying together, we both were going through it I could only imagine what Dave was going through while I was in a coma or when he first found out. I couldn't take this pain, It Kept happening to me after this one I didn't think I wanted to try again...ever.




Just One Night Pt(3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt