
"Oh my god!" Britta jumped up to her feet from the sofa the second she saw Seb walk in behind Antti, carrying his wife in his arms. "Is she ok?" She pushed aside her shock at what she'd seen spreading like wildfire online and watched anxiously as he placed Chloe down on the sofa and she sat herself up, looking at her husband with desperate, pleading eyes; while he looked full of torment, clearly very deeply affected by whatever had happened, she was shivering as if she was cold, she looked exhausted and pale and Seb seemed as if he couldn't bare to look at her.

"Thanks, both of you." Seb looked at Antti and then at Britta. "If you don't mind, I'd like you both to leave now. I'll see you in the morning."

"Sure." Britta nodded, she had more than enough to be getting on with anyway and as her phone rang once more the look Seb gave her told her that he already knew, there was shit literally hitting the fan. The world's media was feasting on the scandalous pieces of meat that Stephen had thrown before them like a ravenous pack of wolves. Chloe watched nervously as Britta and Antti quietly left, now she was left alone with Seb, time to face the music. There was silence as they looked at each other. Seb took in her figure, encased in the black, silk slip dress, though disheveled, she still looked beautiful. But that dress, the song he'd heard playing softly in the background, the white open box on the bed and the Ferrari red ribbon that laid beside it - he knew if he hadn't got there and stopped things when he did, Stephen would have made her relive that whole night again, only this time he'd have made sure that she'd remembered every single detail. What the fuck had she been thinking, putting herself in that situation?

"I need a moment." He shook his head, turned and walked away towards their bedroom. As she watched him disappear, she stayed where she was, she daren't move, unsure of what he was going to do. A few minutes later he came back with a change of clothes in his hands, his clothes, which he threw at her in temper. "Get that dress off." He snapped before walking to the window to stand with his back to her. Still shaking, she stood up and quietly walked into the bedroom to get changed. Why had he given her his clothes to wear when she had her own? Was for it comfort or some kind of gesture of ownership? Seb took a deep breath, using the time she'd be gone to try and calm himself. He looked down at his red, sore knuckles, reminders of how he'd beaten Stephen and left him bleeding, battered and gasping for breath. What the hell had happened to him? What the hell had gone on today? He wasn't a violent man, he'd never beaten anyone before, but today he'd finally snapped. All the anger and hate he'd felt for Stephen since Chloe had first told him of her rape, how it had built throughout the season and today that bastard had dared to lay his hands on his wife once more and he'd finally snapped. Hearing her shut bedroom door, he turned around to see her standing there wearing the clothes he'd given her, a pair of his black sweatpants and a grey and white long sleeved t-shirt. She looked like she belonged to him again now and not Stephen Cole. Standing still she stared down at the floor. She looked apprehensive, almost scared and his heart went out to her; was she scared of him? She should never be scared of him and even though he knew he shouldn't be angry with her, he was. Deep down he knew the reasons why she'd done what she'd done today, but he was angry and hurt that she'd put Michael's marriage before their own. Again there was silence as they stood looking at each other until Seb finally walked over to her and spoke. "Did he hurt you anywhere else apart from here?" He brushed a finger over her slightly swollen bottom lip, she shook her head.

"Where did he touch you?" He asked softly. She shivered as she remembered, making his stomach churn. "Where?" He asked again. She looked into his eyes as if she was trying to tell him without saying the words, then she closed her eyes as she tried to gather the courage to speak. Seb stayed patient, waiting until she opened her eyes again and was ready to talk.

Just Him ❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें