"He did what?!" She shouted, her voice cracking and raw due to her argument with her father and uncle. "I am going to kill that sociopath for annoying the hell out of me. First, he hurt and compelled my boyfriend to kill our brother, and now this?!"

Dean and Sam glanced to one another and watched their family member have a mental breakdown. They had put all this on her, and now something else seemed to be going wrong.

Elena nodded on the other side of the phone even though Echo couldn't see her. "I know. I'm so done with the Mikaelson's bullshit. But, thankfully Bonnie is fine, just shaken. She managed to hold him off, but Kol seems pretty intent on murdering everyone who's looking for that cure."

Echo scoffed. "You know, apparently Klaus is trying to get Stefan to convince Rebekah to give up her dagger, so he can take care of Kol." 

"I don't want Kol daggered because then there is a chance he'll come back to kill one of us again. When he realized Damon isn't going to do what he was compelled to do, Kol will get someone else to kill Jeremy. And then, he'll probably come after someone else next. No, I am not going to allow that to happen. I want him dead, gone forever. And I know how harsh that is, and I wish I wasn't saying it, but it needs to be done." Elena took in a deep breath as she awaited Echo's response. "I am telling you this because I want your opinion. It matters too much to me what you think."

"I agree," Echo spoke after a few seconds of thinking it over. "But—"

Elena quickly wanted to explain how they were going to do it, "Bonnie has all this crazy new power. She thinks she can hold him long enough for Jeremy to get a clean shot."

"That's a great plan, Elena, it really is," Echo stated, trying her hardest to not look her father and uncle in the eyes. "But, if we do that, Klaus and Rebekah will kill every one of us out of spite. They may be dysfunctional bickering lunatics, but they stick together no matter what."

Elena nodded because she expected this question. She has been thinking it through since the moment she learned that Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy.

"That's why someone needs to find the dagger and use it on Rebekah. She can't come looking for revenge if she's laying in a box," Elena explained and then quickly added, "but not you. If she see's you, she'll kill you. I don't want you to get hurt in the process of this. So, we need someone she likes — Matt if he wants to." She rubbed the spot between her eyebrows, "It's not like she doesn't deserve it. And Bonnie thinks that she can get Klaus out of the picture, too, at least temporarily. Once we get this cure, none of this will matter because we can use it against them." 

Echo smiled, impressed with how far Elena has come. "Alright. But, how do you plan to lure Kol in?" After she explained the plan, Echo hung up and sighed heavily.

"Echo..." Dean trailed off, but didn't say anything else because her answering the phone pretty much made up her mind.

Echo held her hand up to her father, not facing him. "Not now, dad." She then stormed off, leaving them in her room with wide eyes.

IT WAS A few hours later, and Sam ran after an angry Dean, and Echo spent that time training Jeremy to be the best he could be, especially seeing as they were going to try and take down an Original.

Elena walked over to her sister, dialing someone on Jeremy's phone. She then put it on speaker so both would be able to hear the other person.

"Jeremy Gilbert. Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate. Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?" Kol asked cheerfully over the phone.

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