chapter one

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"isn't summer just amazing?"

"uh, where are your pants?"

"what pants?"

"exactly." caleb mutters underneath his breath, rolling his eyes at noah. sadie sat across from him, trying to avoid whatever was down below.

"hey dumbass, put pants on. you know you can't go on the trip semi-naked." finn yells grumpily from across the pool, lounging in a long white beach chair with a pair of black shades on. noah rolls his eyes and walks back inside, leaving his suitcase in between caleb and sadies chair.

they roll their eyes.

the whole group sat out back along the pool of calebs house, relaxing before the bus got here.

it was nearly seven in the morning and the air was humid, it hardly whipped around with a breeze.

the night before, they all decided to stay at caleb's house before the day of the trip because the bus picked him up first thing. getting first seats on a double decker bus was probably the most important thing for the time being.

obviously, when you go on normal field trips, the bus usually takes you from school and then you go.

since this trip was extra long, the bus just came by everyone's stop very early, if you didn't show—you weren't coming.

suddenly, noah comes back outside with pants on, running a hand through his caramel locks.

"there ya go, bud." sadie says, looking up at him before sliding her legs over to he could sit down. caleb looked across the pool and made eye contact with finn, finn flipping him off.

he rolls his eyes, realizing he heard someone knock on the backyard gate. he shouts up from his seat and strides over, opening the latch and pulling it open to see millie and gaten waiting patiently.

"what's up, you guys made it!" caleb says cheerfully, giving them both hugs before allowing them to come in the back.

millie carried a backpack on her back whilst gaten held two bags in each of his hands, both being duffel bags. caleb moves out of the way so they could squeeze through the gate before they set their stuff down by the door.

"nice pool." millie compliments shyly, she was the newest member to the group—she had to hitch a ride with gaten because she didn't have a car—nor did she have any clue where caleb lived. she only moved from england to here in this small town two weeks ago, she was still warming up to it.

caleb thanks her before going to sit back down, she stuck next to gaten the whole time—he seemed to be the only person who she felt comfortable around—other than sadie—being the only girl. it was probably all the goofy jokes that broke the ice quickly between them.

as she quietly walked over to sadie, she felt eyes on her the whole time.

she looked across the pool to see finn staring at her. honestly she couldn't even tell if he was looking at her because of his sunglasses he always wore. he was usually the grumpy and closed off person of the group, he never said a word unless it was necessary.

she wore for a second his lips quirked up in a flirty smirk, she quickly looked back towards sadie to avoid any confrontation.

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