Wendigo in the Night

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The Wendigo in the Night

Some say, that in these very woods, there is a creature
Not just a creature like a coyote, a deer, or an owl, but one who feeds on darkness and despair.
One that thrives one hunger, and hate.
One that if given one glance, can steal your body, then your soal.
One stare could chill you to your very core.
One glance can scare not only your body but your mind just as well.
Others say that there is nothing in that wood.
Nothing but trees and ferns and deer
Nothing but snapping branches and hooting owls and howling coyotes.
Nothing that can take your innocents with a glance
Scare you to your bones
Or shake you to your core
Between you and me
Something, that will take your life for fun
Something that is neither human nor animal
Something that is only the devil’s work
It is called

One night on a night like this,
A boy was told to go to the forest, for he had done something his parents did not like.
So the boy went in
Not knowing what lurks there, waiting to take their prey.
The boy went into the wood, deeper and deeper, for there was something calling him to go.
He followed the voice.
I don’t really think he had a choice.
He went. The air freezing his skin. 
 Rain pouring down in sheets. 
The wind made the rain feel like bullets to his already icy skin.
But when he got to the center, it was as if someone had pressed pause on the wind and rain
There was now not a single sound in the air.
No birds
No coyotes
No deer
The boy now stood there frozen to the spot
His ears begging for the least bit of sound
His body would not listen to his brian
His legs seemed to be heavier than the titanic
His stomach felt it had a beast inside of it clawing at him, begging for food
His eyes could only stare forward at the sun as it fell below the horizon
The boy was now plunged in darkness
He could barely see a foot in front of him
The boy stood in the same spot for hours
The beast in his stomach now clawing at him even more fiercely than before
He, of course, did not know why
He had eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner all at the correct time
But suddenly, right as the boy felt he would die of starvation, there was movement in front of him
It sounded big, bigger than any average human.
The boy strained his eyes, trying to see what was in front of him
He tried to call out to it, but nothing came from his mouth
Suddenly, a leg hit the ground in front of him.
It looked… deerish
But it was bigger than any deer he’d ever seen
Not to mention the flesh on the leg
It seemed to be rotting off
Chunks were missing of the leg
The skin looked grey and yellow almost slimy
There was matted fur on it, kind of like a deer
When it stepped out fully there was only one issue
It was on two legs
It was manlike, it fleshes rotting directly off the bones
There was matting fur all over it, and bald spots in many places
When he looked at the head, there was only one problem
It wasn’t a head at all
A large deer skull that looked to be years old
There were no eyes in the eye sockets, only glowing red dots
The bone was an unpleasant ivory
And at the same time, there was still teeth on the skull
Teeth sharper than any knife he’d ever seen
Not only that, there was dried blood all over the skull
Some of it fresh some of it looked days old.
The red orbs in place of the sockets seemed to land on him
The boy tried to scream, to move to run
But he could not move
It seemed the thing in front of him seemed to have in a trance
Forcing him to stay where he was
And stair at the horrid thing in front of him
Suddenly the thing started to come closer towards him and looked at him with its ice-cold stare and horrid breath
Until the thing was 
The thing was now staring him down. Towering above him
The thing was now breathing down on him.
Its horrid breath was the only thing he could smell
Suddenly there was an ice-cold- thing surrounding him
 The thing in front of him was no longer there
In fact, there was nothing to see
The thing seemed to merge with the boy
Suddenly the boy didn’t feel like a boy anymore.
All he felt was hate
And Louth
The boy had been turned into a Wendigo
And many say, that it still lurks through the forest to this day, waiting for the next soal to take the boy’s role, as the creature of starvation.

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