He walks quickly into the bullpen from the corridor off the interrogation rooms. "I think I've got something." He says loudly, making everyone turn their heads.

Rosa and Charles rush over to Jake's desk, watching over his shoulder as he fiddled around with the computer for a brief moment, explaining what he was doing as he did it.

"Carlos just said why he was being so defensive yesterday when we asked who he left the kids with," the detective says before spinning in a right angle to face his colleagues, "Because he didn't leave the kids with anyone and he didn't want to get into trouble for it, then where would the kids go?"

"Foster care?" Charles replies.

Jake lifts his finger up and turns back around to face the monitor. "That was a rhetorical question, Charles, it didn't need an answer but I appreciate it nonetheless."

Amy leans against the desk, furrowing her eyebrows to her husband beside her. "Jake, where are you going with this and can you get to the point?"

He nods, typing something into the computer and getting a search result back. His attention then goes back to his friends again. "Although he said that last week he and his date were going a little further out of Brooklyn than normal, so he hired a babysitter because he knew he was going to be gone too long for the kids to be left alone."

There's a tension pause as Jake scrolls down the screen a little before putting the tip of his finger against the screen. "I asked for the name of the agency, he gave it to me, I just looked it up and it doesn't exist," he says quickly, a confident grin plastered on his face, "Fake agency, fake babysitter."

The two detectives and the sergeant surrounding the desk widen their eyes as Jake leans back in his chair to reach the sideways desk behind him as he faced his friends and wife again.

"I called a sketch artist in there for him to describe what the guy looked like, she's in there right now with him. We might just have a suspect for one of the kidnappings."

Amy stands from the chair beside the desk. "I'm gonna call Isabella back in to talk, maybe she had a babysitter from this fake agency."

"Great idea, I'll go back in and ask Miss Burrow." Charles announces, already making his way back to the interrogation room.

As the words of Alfie-Jay's mother ring through their heads, they all mentally slam their heads against the desks - Jake doing it literally.

"I would never let anyone I didn't know in the house when I'm home, let alone when I'm not." 

They were still waiting on the sketch, but Jake had told her to take as much time as possible, not to let go of any minor detail Carlos described. It was now just gone 2:45 meaning the sketch artist had been in there just over forty-five minutes, so she wouldn't be in there much longer now anyway.

They had all been staring at their phones, watching the news as the covered over the same things again and again. Jake's phone pings in his hand, making everyone jump around the area, but it was nothing - only the school contacting him saying the buses were going to be delayed due to bad road conditions - which didn't really matter though, there wasn't any way Amy and him were gonna be home when Mac did anyway, he knew they were in for a late-night tonight too.

When Caelyn's mother finally arrived, Jake lead her through to one of the interrogation rooms again, he had to get out of the bullpen, and began asking her if she had had anyone she didn't know inside her home, specifically a babysitter.

Isabella hesitated for a moment before she nodded her head. "Yeah, some guy that was a little sketchy, he was at my apartment two weeks ago."

Jake perks up in his seat a little. "We'll have a sketch artist through as soon as she's done with another person."

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