By the time the fifth canapé tray passed him by, Mickey was so bored he started to drift away. He found a quiet place to sit and watched the people around him. All in fancy clothes, chatting with each other, smiling, always smiling. He could only see lies and cheats and fakes.

He felt so damn lonely. So, he texted Beth.

[wish u were here, Bets]

▬ ➳ ▬

Beth stared at Mike's text. Jean was right. I should go for it. She gathered the nerves and typed.

[I could be]

[really?], he quickly replied.

[you'd drop everything and come meet me?]

[well, not everything. I mean, if i was really busy I'd ask you to wait until I could go but I'm not doing anything right now]

[so yeah I'd go meet u]

Beth stared at her phone, waiting. Maybe she should be more forthcoming.

[I DO wanna meet you, u know... someday]

A few minutes passed by and she locked the screen, turning away. She crashed on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Jean was wrong. He doesn't want to meet me yet.

[I wanna meet u too], the text contradicted her thoughts.

And the next one hit her like a glass of water to the face.

[but I can't]

She wasn't letting him off the hook that easily, though.

[why can't you?]

[it's complicated]

Beth raised herself from her bed with sudden anger. Her fingers flew at the phone's keyboard as she paced around the room.

[I'm pretty sure that whatever's the reason you don't wanna meet me is NOT worse than what I'm picturing in my head right now]

Which would be that Mike was a catfish, someone from work making fun of her. A prank. God, she'd told him so many intimate things... How could she have been so stupid? Telling stuff to a stranger on the internet?

[so I think it would be best if you at least tried to explain.]

[that is, if you don't want me to think all these bad things I'm thinking]

[hey, take it easy bets, I'm not a creep or anything]

[aren't you?]

[I'm not. I just have some issues]

[what issues, Michael?]

[maybe I'm a little...]

[insecure, that's all]

[I swear to god if you're not real I'm gonna be so crushed, you'll carry THAT on your conscience forever]

[I might find out where u live - whoever you are - and pay a guy to break your face, too]

[just so we understand each other]

[consider ourselves understood, madam]

[I'm real]

She wanted to believe him. She needed to, specially at that moment of her life, when everything seemed so difficult and hopeless and wrong. Yet, she couldn't imagine Mike's reason to not want to meet her. What was his deal? What kept him from telling her who he was? Who was he?

[I will never lie to you. I pinky promise.]

Beth sent one last text and laid down again, leaving her phone by the bedside table, and hoping that Mike had meant what he said.

▬ ➳ ▬

[I will never lie to you. I pinky promise.]

[oh you better]

Mickey stared at his own words, right before her reply. Was he already lying? Did omission count as lying? As far as his heart was concerned, she was the only one who actually knew the truth. Everyone else were the ones who were been lied to.

Mike was real.

Mickey Roscoe was the lie.

▬▬▬ ➳ ▬▬▬

A/N: Helloooo, how's your reading doing? I know, I know, this chapter was a bit short... but I feel like I didn't want to put in any other conflict besides the issue that beth is ready to meet up and mickey isn't, yet. What did you think? Yes, you! And if you could also hit that little star on the corner, that would be peachy ✦ ◆ ★ ☆ ✮

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