"Dean." I say softly knowing that he is scared his body ridged.

He doesn't say anything but he stops just on the other side of the cell door.

When he looks back at it I have the sinking feeling that this wasn't going to work. I jump when he drops my wrist and quickly moves to wrap his arms around Sam.

I feel my throat tightening up as Sam hugs him back.

"Zammy." he says making my eyes water.

"Hey Dean." Sam says his voice cracking him hugging him back.

I stay silent letting them have their moment.

When Dean lets go and turns to me I watch his face darkens him grabbing my face.

"Hurt." he says touching my cheeks them wet from a few stray tears.

"I'm okay Dean." I say smiling holding his hand to my skin.

He cocks his head like a dog trying to understand something.

"Come on let's go take a shower." I say taking his hand and lacing my fingers with his.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asks still sounding choked up.

"I think I'll be okay. Just stay outside of the door." I say knowing Sam didn't mean anything by asking if I wanted him in the room with me.

The shower had a curtain so it wouldn't bother me if he was in the room. I knew Sam and Dean.

It still shocks me that in a different reality Dean and Sam really exited besides a TV show.

I lead Dean to the locker room careful to not rush him. I didn't want to make him feel threatened. I didn't want to break his trust for me.

Once again when we got to the door Sam held it open while I lead Dean inside.

The room was toilets and sinks on one half then on the other side of a wall was showers and lockers.

I went to the first one it the one I always used.

Still holding his hand I slid the curtain back and turned the water on. I felt Dean jump when the water shot out of the shower head.

"It's okay. It's just water." I say sticking my hand into it.

He moves forward coping my motion. He smiles when the water runs over his hand. It making me remember how clean he normally is. That he always washes his hands when he is stressed. It a way to distract himself.

Kicking off my shoes and socks I step into the shower the warm water falling down my back.

"Come on." I say holding out my hands.

This was more about getting him clean so I didn't bother with taking anything else off.

Dean slowly moves into the small shower.

"Water." he says smiling the first half of the word sounding more like a wh sound but I wasn't going to correct him..

"Yes it's time you get clean." I say smiling up at him.

Reaching down I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it off.

It's not the first time I dressed him so he didn't fight me. I tried not to look at the bare chest in front of me. This was not the time to get caught up in the beauty of Dean Winchester. It definitely wasn't what I expected the first time I saw his chest. Even now it's covered in large scars them dark blues and black, them popping off his slowly returning warm skin color.

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