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       BEEP BEEP BEEP!! I rolled over and slammed my hand on the snooze button. ugh now I have to get up. I throw my sheets off my body and swing my legs over to the edge of my bed. I rubbed my eyes so they can adjust to the light that was trying to shine threw my curtins. I started getting up but tripped over a pile of clothes that was on the ground. I looked at the pile "I'll clean that up later." and tried getting up. 

"Honey are you up?!" asked my aunt. 

"Yea!" I yelled through my door. hopping she heard me. I finally got up and walked to my closet and try picking out my outfit. Sweatpants? Yea lets wear those. I picked out white sweatpants and my "Steelers" sweatshirt. I walked into the bathroom.. Wow I look good. I laughed a little and picked up a brushed. The brush went through my dirty blonde hair but stopped when it found a knot. I didn't want to fight with my hair so I decided to put my hair up in a messy bun. I look good for my first day of school. I applied some conseler and eye liner. Good enough. I walked out of the bathroom and walked back to my room to grab my phone and bag. 

"HURRY UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" my aunt yelled. Yeah I live with my aunt.. my parents died because of a drunk driver, I had to come live with them. It wasn't so bad, I mean I'm the only kid so I get what ever I want. 

"coming!" I yell down to her. I rush out of my bedroom and grab my shoes. 

"You want anything before you go?" she asked looking at me. 

"no thanks." I asked throwing my shoes on and grabbing my car keys.

"I love you." I said running out the door. I unlocked my car and threw my bag in the passanger seat and hopped into the driver side. I started the car and backed out of the drive way. "High roller" by Pegboard Nerds came on and I turned it up full blast. I drive into the school parking lot and parked. 

I grabbed my bag and jumped out of the car. Damn its hot out. I locked my car and headed inside the school. I looked around the school to find someone that could maybe hep me. I saw a girl sitting in the which looked like she was studying. I walked over to her and looked down at her. 

"hello can you help?" I asked 

She looked up at me smiled and nodded while getting up. "Welcome to Monterey High School!" 

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