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Virgils POV

Alright lets get through explaining why I have "anger issues"

First of all, Im not "jealous" of anyone. It might seem like it, but Im not. Anyway- yesterday Logan FINALLY asked out dad- Im really happy for them! They are adorable together! But I just- I feel kinda weird about it all.... I mean- a few hours before that Remus and Deceit got together as well...... Its stupid how this all works- its stupid how me and princy are the only ones left alone- well- there is Pacani and Remy- but I dont think Roman even talks to them- Im good friends with them though-! They can be nice but SO DAMN ANNOYING- and that goes for everyone- ESPECIALLY SIR-SING-A-LOTS!! HES ALWAYS SO- LOUD- AND ANNOYING- but at the same time... he can be nice-

Im tiered- 

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